满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

He kept smiling secretly and we were all...

He kept smiling secretly and we were all wondering       that made him so happy.

A. how it did                       B. what he did

C. how it was                       D. what it was


D 【解析】略

 After the terrorist attack last month, anyone at the airport       heavy bags, bottles of liquid, or whatever, could be stopped and questioned by the police.

A. seen carrying                      B. seen carry     

C. seen to carry                       D. seen to be carrying



— Why did you go to the wrong office, Peter?

— Well, I forgot which room I was       to go to.

A. hoped     B. suggested     C. demanded      D. supposed



“Only two centimeters higher,        break the world record,” encouraged  the


A. you will                                                    B. and you will       

C. or you will                                                 D. will you



 Having been praised by the teacher, the little girl ran back home,       .

A. happily and satisfied                 B. eager and excitedly                     

C. happy and satisfied                  D. anxiously and excitedly



The most exciting thing for him was      he finally found two tinned fruits in     seemed to him to be a servant’s bedroom.

A. that; what                         B. what; what                     

C. that; where                        D. what; where



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