满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is required that the students mobile...

 It is required that the students       mobile phones in their school, so seldom       them using one.

A. should not use; you will see                      B. don’t use; will you see

C. not use; will you see                                         D.not use; you will see


C 【解析】略

 — Could you please wait for a while?

       . I’m not in a hurry.

A. Leave me alone                    B. Take your time

C. Do as you like                     D. You’re welcome



Our club, which I mentioned just now, is open to all,        age or sex.

A. instead of       B. in place of      C. in case of       D. regardless of



He kept smiling secretly and we were all wondering       that made him so happy.

A. how it did                       B. what he did

C. how it was                       D. what it was



 After the terrorist attack last month, anyone at the airport       heavy bags, bottles of liquid, or whatever, could be stopped and questioned by the police.

A. seen carrying                      B. seen carry     

C. seen to carry                       D. seen to be carrying



— Why did you go to the wrong office, Peter?

— Well, I forgot which room I was       to go to.

A. hoped     B. suggested     C. demanded      D. supposed



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