满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many people have described television as...

Many people have described television as a passive activity that is harmful to children’s education. However, there are good and bad ways to watch television. Parents who are interested in exploiting television as a learning tool can actually turn time in front of TV into an educational chance.

Probably the most familiar educational way to use television is to simply watch educational programs. In particular, this means selecting channels and programs specially designed for educational purposes. Along with traditional educational shows for children on public broadcasting channels, cable television (有线电视) now offers kids and adults a wide variety of educational programs, with everything from nature shows to historical events in different countries.

Captioning(字幕),such as "closed captioning" for hearing disabled viewers provides another way for parents to exploit the educational possibilities of television.One study showed that children who watched captioned TV got great improvement in their vocabulary and oral reading ability. In addition, parents can make any show a learning class by watching television together with children. By actively joining children in the programs that they are watching, parents can help with the development of such skills as predicting(预见)and summarizing. In order to develop predicting skills, parents and children could first refer to a program’s description in a viewing guide.After reading the program description and guessing what might happen in the program, parents and children could watch together to see which predictions were correct. And to practice summarizing, after watching a program, parents can turn off the TV and ask what the story was about. This kind of activity helps children develop thinking skills such as arranging events in an order and memorizing information.

Although there will still be plenty of times when children watch TV simply for passive enjoyment, parents can help make at least part of their children’s viewing time a more productive activity.Used intelligently by exploiting the learning chances available through various programs, television can play an instructive role in children’s education.

1.Which activity is NOT suggested in the passage?

A. Talking about TV shows.        B. Watching captions on TV.

C . Enjoying films about nature.     D. Watching shows for homework.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Parents can simply make any show a learning class for their children.

B. To make watching TV a more productive activity parents should include themselves in the producing process.

C. Most parents have changed their attitude to their kids’ watching TV and become positive to the problem.

D. In a way, it is how parents act that leads to whether watching TV may do good or not to their children.

3.We can infer from the last paragraph that       .

A. not every minute when a child watches television must be educational

B. children should not use television for passive enjoyment

C. some children prefer reading to watching television

D. television offers more learning chances than school

4.Which of the following questions is the major one discussed in the passage?

A. What makes television more interesting than books?

B. Why should schools put television into classrooms?

C. How can parents use television as a teaching tool?

D. Which program can actually make kids smarter?


1.D 2.D 3.A 4.C 【解析】略


Experience the newly opened Grand Canyon (大峡谷) West Skywalk in Colorado. Departing (离开) from Grand Canyon’s South Rim by Airplane to Grand Canyon’s West Rim, you will land and take a ground tour to the Skywalk! Walk on air for 70 feet over the edge of Grand Canyon West.

This Skywalk has been open since March 28, 2007. Daily visitor-ship to the Skywalk has been over 4,000 people. Please be patient to enjoy your moment on the Skywalk.

After you have experienced the one and only Grand Canyon Skywalk Glass Bridge, you will return to the Grand Canyon West Airport and take your Airplane for a flight back to the South Rim of the Canyon. This is a tour never to be forgotten as you will have walked on air over the Grand Canyon.

Tour Itinerary (行程)

Tour Duration

5.7 Hours

The Grand Canyon Adventure Skywalk

Flight from Grand Canyon South Rim to Grand Canyon West

1 Hour

Experience a bird’s-eye view of the Grand Canyon as you make your way to Grand Canyon West.

Light Lunch at Guano Point at Grand Canyon West

2 Hours

You’ll be taken by bus to Guano Point with breathtaking views of the western part of the Grand Canyon where the Colorado River makes its way into Lake Mood. Every table for lunch has a view.

Walk on the World Famous Skywalk

1.5 Hours

Finally you’ll board your bus to Eagle Point, home of the Grand Canyon Skywalk. Now it is time for you to walk on air for 70 feet over the Grand Canyon.

Flight Back to Grand Canyon South Rim

1.2 Hours

After time on the Skywalk, you’ll return to the Grand Canyon West Airport and return to Grand Canyon South Rim in time for dinner and sunset.

1.This advertisement is for __________.

A. Grand Canyon West      B. Grand Canyon South

C. Grand Canyon                                                        D. the Skywalk

2.The package fee does NOT cover the cost of _______.






3.The Grand Canyon Skywalk Bridge is made of glass because ______.

A. it looks stranger                                                    B. it is cheaper to build

C. it looks more beautiful D. it gives you a better view

4.According to the Tour Itinerary, the route is ______.

A. South Rim→Guano Point→West Airport→Eagle Point→West Airport→South Rim

B. South Rim→West Airport→Guano Point→Eagle Point→West Airport→South Rim

C. South Rim→West Airport→Eagle Point→Guano Point→West Airport→South Rim

D. South Rim→West Airport→Eagle Point→West Airport→Guano Point→South Rim



This story is about a 92-year-old, short, well-behaved and proud lady. She is fully dressed each morning by eight, with her hair fashionably done and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is totally blind. She is moving to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary.

After many hours of waiting patiently in the hall of the nursing home, she moved to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet(观察孔) sheets that had been hung on her window.“I love it,” she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old girl having just been presented with a new puppy.

“Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen the room yet. Just wait.” “That doesn’t have anything to do with it,” she replied. “Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged, it’s a decision I make every morning when I wake up.”

“I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting(叙述) the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I’ll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I’ve stored away, just for this time in my life. Old age is like a bank account, you withdraw(收回) from what you’ve put in. So, my advice to you would be to deposit(储蓄) a lot of happiness in the bank account of memories. Thank you for your part in filling my memory bank. I am still depositing.”

1.Which is the direct reason for the lady’s move to a nursing home?

A. She is totally blind.       B. She can not dress herself any more.

C. She is 92 years old.       D. Her husband has passed away.

2.When I described the room in which the lady would live, she was     .

A. disappointed        B. angry       C. happy      D. sad

3.From the third paragraph we can infer that     .

A. the lady’s attitude towards life was positive

B. the lady wanted the furniture well arranged

C. the lady disliked the writer’s description

D. the lady decided to get up early every day

4.The best title of the passage would be “    ”.

A. Life Is like a Bank Account             B. Saving More Money for Your Life  

C. Life Is Full of Sorrow and Happiness      D. Coming Out from the Shadow of Life



完形填空:(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)


During my second year of college I was looking around for a place to live. One Sunday after church the pastor(牧师) told me to stay in his daughter’s room because his daughter was studying abroad for one year.

To be  21 , I really didn’t want to stay with “the pastor’s family”. He told me how much the  22  would be — a very low figure that  23  one home-cooked meal a day. I thought about the  24  and decided to move in.

At the end of the term I had planned to find  25  living place, since the daughter was to  26  home. To my delight, they  27  that I share a room with their son. I seemed to have been adopted into their  28  —her people. I  29  accepted the offer.

As I emptied the daughter’s bedroom, I thought it might be  30  to have a little sister to look after. But when I later met my new sister, I  31  that she was more independent than I first  32 .

We finally feel in love,  33 , and have looked after each other for many years. There have been times that life turned out more  34  than either of us could have known. But we have always been able to go  35  largely because we knew that we are deeply  36  .

It isn’t about marriage …it’s about  37 . It’s about mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers and special friends who are as  38  as family. It’s about anybody who can say, “I’ll be  39  —you can count on me. I’ll try to look after you and sometimes I will need you to look after me.”

Is there somebody you can depend on? And are others counting on you? We travel the path of life best when there is   40  to look after, and when someone is looking after us.



A. honest

B. surprised

C. friendly

D. please


A. price

B. rent

C. money

D. pay


A. had

B. included

C. made

D. contained


A. idea

B. plan

C. service

D. offer


A. same

B. different

C. another

D. extra


A. return

B. go

C. get

D. leave


A. ordered

B. agreed

C. arranged

D. suggested


A. house 

B. family

C. group

D. friends


A. happily

B. sorrowfully

C. evidently

D. efficiently


A. bad

B. exciting

C. nice

D. strange


A. realised

B. thought

C. knew

D. doubted


A. saw

B. told

C. imagined

D. believed


A. separated

B. parted

C. left

D. married


A. smooth

B. challenging

C. hard

D. different


A. backward

B. eastward

C. forward

D. westward


A. hated

B. cared

C. felt

D. liked


A. friendship

B. relation

C. love

D. family


A. close

B. good

C. far

D. long


A. away

B. out

C. in

D. around


A. nobody

B. somebody

C. anybody

D. everybody



— The education system rather than the teachers       to answer for the heavy burden on the students.

— I agree. I hope the reform being carried out in our country at present will bring about the


A. are; desired                               B. is; desired   

C. are; desiring                              D. is; desiring



Being disabled is not terrible, because we can still lead wonderful lives       we don’t give up ourselves.

A. even if          B. as long as        C. so that          D. now that



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