满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The 29th Olympic Games ____ in Beijing i...

The 29th Olympic Games ____ in Beijing in 2008.

A.was held

B.will be held

C.has been held

D.is being held


A 【解析】略

 The flowers don’t need too much water; you can just water them _____.

A.each other day

B.every other day

C.each of two days

D.every of two days



At ____ present we are going through a hard time, but I’m sure ____ things will get better in the near future.

A.the; the

B.the; 不填

C.不填; the

D.不填; 不填



校报交友专栏在征集稿件探讨交友之道。请根据自己的理解和经验,参考所给的汉语提示,给编辑写封邮件。词数80- 100(不计所给的开头和结尾)。

提示:     友好;微笑;关心别人;



Everyone needs friends, so how to make true friends is very important to anybody. Here I’d like to share my ways of making friends with you.


Be a friend in need, and I’m sure you’ll find a friend indeed.




56. The tower in the d            (远处) is hundreds of years old.

57. First o            (观察) the teacher do the experiment and then have a try by yourself.

58. We should r            (尊敬) them instead of looking down upon them.

59. It’s well-known that smoking is h            (有害的) to health.

60.He said the song r_________ (提醒) him of the happy days in the university.

61. He has a firm b            (信念) that he’ll win the speech contest.

62. What will happen to you if you don’t  eat a  b________ (均衡的)diet ?

63. Would you please come in? P            (允许) me to lead the way, sir.

64. There are v            (各种各样的) kinds of theme parks all over the world.

65. The tramp in the film was loved for his optimism and determination to o           (克服) all difficulties.



The train was already half an hour late. I had to arrive in Vienna at 7:15 in time to catch the 7:20 train to Paris, but there was no hope of that now. I told my problem to the conductor (列车员). He advised me to get off two stops before Vienna Station and take a taxi. When the time came, he even helped with my bag. He wished me good luck as I jumped off. A few minutes later I was racing towards the center of the city in a taxi. It was almost 7:25 when we stopped outside the station. I paid the driver quickly, picked up my bag and hurried inside. “Paris train?” was all I had time to say to the official I saw. You can see how I felt when he pointed to a train that was just moving out of the station.

1.The writer couldn’t arrive in Paris in time because       .

A. he didn’t pay the driver           B. he took the wrong train

C. the train was late                D. the conductor advised him to get off early

2.The conductor advised the writer to get off before Vienna and take a taxi       .

A. as soon as the train stopped       B. after he heard the writer’s explanation

C. after he was passing the writer     D. when the train arrived in Vienna at 7:15

3.Which of the following did the conductor do to help the writer?

A. The conductor advised him to get off two stops before Vienna.

B. The conductor took him to the center of the city in a taxi.

C. The conductor carried the bag for him.

D. The conductor showed him out of the station and called a taxi.

4.When the writer saw that the train was just moving, he felt        .

A. happy         B. angry       C. disappointed        D. sorry

5.Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer was lucky to catch the train. 

B. The driver helped the writer catch the train.

C. The writer paid the bus driver quickly.   

D. The conductor was very kind to the writer.



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