满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

_____ is no doubt _____ Jennifer will c...

 _____ is no doubt _____ Jennifer will come to see me this weekend as usual.

A.There; that

B.It; whether

C.It; that

D.There; whether


A 【解析】略

The 29th Olympic Games ____ in Beijing in 2008.

A.was held

B.will be held

C.has been held

D.is being held



 The flowers don’t need too much water; you can just water them _____.

A.each other day

B.every other day

C.each of two days

D.every of two days



At ____ present we are going through a hard time, but I’m sure ____ things will get better in the near future.

A.the; the

B.the; 不填

C.不填; the

D.不填; 不填



校报交友专栏在征集稿件探讨交友之道。请根据自己的理解和经验,参考所给的汉语提示,给编辑写封邮件。词数80- 100(不计所给的开头和结尾)。

提示:     友好;微笑;关心别人;



Everyone needs friends, so how to make true friends is very important to anybody. Here I’d like to share my ways of making friends with you.


Be a friend in need, and I’m sure you’ll find a friend indeed.




56. The tower in the d            (远处) is hundreds of years old.

57. First o            (观察) the teacher do the experiment and then have a try by yourself.

58. We should r            (尊敬) them instead of looking down upon them.

59. It’s well-known that smoking is h            (有害的) to health.

60.He said the song r_________ (提醒) him of the happy days in the university.

61. He has a firm b            (信念) that he’ll win the speech contest.

62. What will happen to you if you don’t  eat a  b________ (均衡的)diet ?

63. Would you please come in? P            (允许) me to lead the way, sir.

64. There are v            (各种各样的) kinds of theme parks all over the world.

65. The tramp in the film was loved for his optimism and determination to o           (克服) all difficulties.



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