满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It has been proved by the fact that watc...

It has been proved by the fact that watching violence on TV may cause children’s _____ behavior.






C 【解析】略

To his disappointment, the opinion he had stuck              out wrong.

A.to turn

B.to turning

C.to turned

D.to be turned



She must be in the classroom,           ?

A.isn’t she

B.mustn’t she

C.can’ t she

D.does she



— It’s said that       dam is under         construction.

— Yeah. It will take about half a year.


B.a; 不填

C.a; the

D.不填; the




Diversity means the differences between things or people; the variety makes us unique.

People have a great deal of diversity. Even though our basic body structure is the same (head, eyes, heart, arms, legs, feet, etc.), our physical characteristics are different. For instance, the color of our skin, hair, and eyes are different. Also, our height and shape provide some diversity too. Even our fingerprints are unique and different.

People have to develop their own thoughts ,opinions, feelings, and ideas about different topics and beliefs.We are influenced by different people, places, and experiences in our lives which may influence us when we have to make a decision. A person has to keep open-minded when developing an opinion. Gathering information is also crucial(决定性的) to make a decision. The more you know about a topic, the easier it will be to make a good decision. As people grow up, they may even change their previous opinions and have new ideas.

Every person has unique talents, characteristics, and challenges to share with the world. Some people are good at reading and writing. Other people are talented at art and music. Some people are good at working with numbers or science. Others are talented by sharing their creativity. Some people have challenges to work with like being deaf, blind, or learning differently than others. It is important to remember that no matter what a person is good at or struggles with, we are all special in our own way.

When we are used to other people’s differences, we are showing respect. And we can find that we belong to the world and can give any thing a reason throughout the world. We can learn about a variety of cultures, places , and different ways to look at the world.

Title: The 1._______ in the world


Diversity means the differences between things or people


Types of diversity

The physical diversity

Our 2.______ look different.


The3._____ diversity

We have our own different viewpoints and4._____.

We make different decisions when we are facing the same situation.

Our opinions 5._________ as we experience more and more in life.

The personal diversity

We have different 6._______.

We have different 7.______ styles.

The benefits from 8._______other people’s differences

We can let other people know that we respect them.

We become 9._________.

We can 10._______ our knowledge and perfect our view of  life.





1.After the match ,the judge _______ (宣布)that our team won the title.

2.He thought it is his duty to help ordinary people _______(暴露) to the disease.

3.His first speech as president made a strong _______(印象)on his audience.

4. In the crash he suffered severe _________(伤) to the head and arms.

5.We must ________ (致力于)our efforts on improving education.

6.You task will be to examine the _______(可能)of constructing a new factory in China.

7.Animals in zoos are not in their natural s_________.(环境)

8.He had a badly s_______ (肿胀)ankle after falling down from the stairs.

9.My brother a______ (获得)a knowledge of computers by carful study.

10.I’m d______ (高兴)to hear of your success.



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