满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is______ that he has been addicted to...

It is______ that he has been addicted to the drugs and has difficulty quitting it.

A. obviously                   B. apparently             C. possibly                    D. likely


D 【解析】略

Many air flights _________because of the eruption of the volcano, in _______case, many passengers had no choice but to take a train.

  A. had been cancelled; which                                              B. have been cancelled; what

C. had been canceling; that                                                      D. have been canceling; where



We walked for two hours to get to the top of the mountain from ___we had fantastic views.

   A. which                  B. where              C. what                       D. that



 From Jame’s face, I could see he was terrified of _________ by us.

   A. abandoned                                                      B. abandon    

C. being abandoned                                            D. to be abandoned



 I was supposed to _______ all my shopping by now, but I still have a great many to buy.

   A. to have finished                                             B. to finish     

C. to be finishing                                                D. to have been finished



When I miss my family, it’s ______great comfort to have a ________ family to be with.

   A. a; substitute                                                    B. a; replace              

C. /; substitute                                                      D. /; replace



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