满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Then came the disappointing news _____ ...

 Then came the disappointing news _____ Brazil was beaten by German in the 2010 World Cup, ______ was bound to cast down the Brazilian fans.

   A. that; what                                                                   B. which; which        

C. which; what                                                             D. that; which


D 【解析】略

 It didn’t ______ to me that the naughty boys should have_____ to prove what we discussed the day before.

A. occur; set out                                                       B. happen; set about   

C. strike; set off                                                          D. come up; set up



Without good instructions of the teacher, you will be likely to________ a lot of bad habits   while you are practicing the piano.

A. pull up                                                              B. take up           

C. pick up                                                           D. bring up



 The work is not very profitable _______ cash, but I am getting valuable experience from it.

A. in favor of                                                            B. in terms of        

C. in charge of                                                         D. in case of



 At last the determination and patience of the scientists _______in 1996 with a breakthrough -------- the cloning of Dolly the sheep.

A. paid off                     B. paid out                    C. paid back               D. paid up



 I don’t think he will make a superstar like Cristiano Ronaldo. He just lacks          it takes to be a professional soccer player.

         A. Which                         B. that                            C. what                           D. who



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