满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

They tried to convince her _______ his ...

 They tried to convince her _______ his innocence.

A.of        B. about      C. to        D. in


A 【解析】略

 We can never expect ______ bluer sky unless we create _______ less polluted world.

A.the; a      B. a; a       C. the; the       D. a; the



到了2010年, 照顾老年人成了一个突出的社会问题。你公司顺应社会需求,适时推出了家用机器人。该机器人的主要功能有:1. 在固定的时间做饭, 时间可按需调整;2. 陪老人聊天、下棋、做运动等;3. 及时处理突发事件。如老人病时, 拨呼救电话等。

    请根据以上内容写一个发言稿, 在新闻发布会上向大家推荐公司的这一新产品。

注意:(1)词数为100左右;     (2)内容可适当发挥, 注意行文连贯;

     (3)短问开头已为你写好, 不计入总词数。

参考词汇:突出的, 显著的 prominent

   Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending our company’s news conference. As you know, _______________________________________________________________________












阅读下面短文并回答问题, 然后将答案写到答题卡相应的位置上(请注意问题后的字数要求)。


Certainly dustmen prefer to be known as “Refuse Collection and Disposal Officers”. You may think that this is rather silly, and that it is better to call a spade. But dustmen can be just as sensitive as people of any other occupations, though we must admit that their job is not the most romantic one in the world. We often take dustmen for granted. Perhaps because they usually come very early in the morning, before most people are up, we are inclined to forget that they exist. Our dustbins are emptied regularly, but we rarely stop to think about the men who do this. However, it is one of the most important jobs in the world, and when there are no dustmen________, the general public soon becomes aware that something is wrong.

Recently, the dustmen of England went on strike for higher wages. During the first few days it was regarded as a joke. For some reason, jokes have always been made about dustmen, and some people thought this strike was very amusing. But when the first two weeks had passed, and the dustbins were overflowing in nearly every backyard in the country, the joke did not seem so funny any more. As the strike continued, people could not bear the accumulation of rubbish around their dustbins, and they looked for other places in which to get rid of it. Even when the strike was over, and the wages dispute had been settled, it took several weeks for the country to get cleaned up completely, as so much rubbish had accumulated. Perhaps now the English people appreciate the work of their dustmen rather more highly, and won’t take them for granted any more.


阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分, 满分15分)

1.What is the main idea of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words. )


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

We usually find the dustbins clean, but ignoring the doers.


3. Please fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words. )


4.How did the English people change their attitude to the dustmen? (Please answer within 30 words. )

 ___________________________________________________________________________                                                                              ___________________________________________________________________________


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.





Do you ever run out of great books to read? So what should I read next? Is fast-paced crime fiction your thing? Try the new Patricia Cornwell book, Scarpetta (Putnam). She is such an able writer and handles complex forensic(法庭的) intelligence with ease. You need to be prepared, though, for the world you're entering—this isn't for the faint of heart, let's say.

        If peace is more your thing, try Mary Pipher's wonderful new book, Seeking Peace: Chronicles of the Worst Buddhist in the World (Riverhead). Mary is a lovely, comfortable writer who takes the reader through her personal awakening after reputation and fortune came her way. Even if you've never experienced life as a bestselling writer (as she has done, in her book years back, Reviving Ophelia), you'll totally understand and sympathize with her renewed need for privacy, distance and quiet.

        What if you want a straightforward, totally thrilling read with vivid characters, set about World War II? You cannot go wrong with Jim Lehrer's new novel, Oh, Johnny (Random House), about a young Marine whose life is changed forever when he meets a woman on his way to war. His relationship with her lasts him through danger and hardship, and there's an impressive ending. See our interview with the productive novelist/newsman in the current issue of Reader's Digest (March, on stands now), by the way, for insight into the very talented Mr. Lehrer and what interests him.

        Well, what about something wickedly funny and totally offbeat? Does the name Carrie Fisher do anything for you? Try her vivid and new life in Hollywood and elsewhere, Wishful Drinking (Simon & Schuster). Be prepared for humor as sharp as knives.

1. In which column will you probably find the above passage?

   A. Advice.                      B. News story.       

C. Advertisement.                D. Comments.

2. What does the writer intend to tell us by the underlined sentence?

   A. The world is complex and hard.                         B. Scarpetta is a thriller.

   C. The fiction is hard to understand.                              D. Society is hard to fit into.

3. Which of the following is true of Mary Pipher?

   A. She is an adventurous writer.                  

B. She doesn’t care about fortune.

   C. Her books normally sell well.                             

D. She can help you achieve writing skills.        

4.To get further information about Jim Lehrer, you may________.

   A. go to Reader’s Digest issued in March           

B. go to Random House

   C. analyze the characters in Oh, Johnny          

D. read the novel Oh, Johnny

5.Which book isn’t directly based on the writer’s own life?

   A. Seeking Peace.                                                             B. Reviving Ophelia.             

C. Wishful Drinking.                                                        D. Oh, Johnny.



New York State has passed the USA’s first state law banning motorists talking on hand-held cell phones. The ban will begin November 1, although drivers caught using hand-held cell phones will be given only warnings during the first month.

First-time violators(违法者) will face a $100 fine. A second time call for a $200 fine and every violation after that will cost$500.

At least a dozen localities(地方) have established bans, starting in 1999; and 40 states have had bans proposed but not passed. At least 23 countries, including the Great Britain, Italy, Israel and Japan, ban drivers from using hand-held cell phones.

There are about 115 million cell phones in use in the United States and more than 6 million in New York State.

“To think that I’m not going to use cell phone when at the same time I can still use my laptop, I still can read a paper, I can still change my pants(裤子) while driving 65 mph. I think there’s just something wrong,” an official said.

Other critics noted that other things like eating, drinking coffee and applying make-up while driving posed(造成) at least as much of a concern. They suggested that the ban include a broader range of things.

1.How much fine will a hand-held cell phone user receive if he has been caught using it four times while driving after November?

         A. $500.                    B. $1000.                           C. $1200.                           D. $1300.

2.We can see from this passage that _______. 

         A. the ban has been put into effect in most states in the U. S.

         B. many of the developed countries forbid drivers using hand-held cell phones

         C. over fifty localities or states ban drivers from using hand-held cell phones

         D. more people in the U. S. are against the ban than for it

3.The official mentioned in this passage _______. 

         A. does not agree with this ban

         B. doesn’t believe using hand-held cell phones while driving will cause any danger

C. doesn’t understand why hand-held cell phones alone should be banned among many others

         D. believes changing pants while driving will cause greater danger

4.The writer intends to tell us in the last paragraph that _______.

         A. it is not fair to have this ban passed

         B. the ban will never be passed in the whole country

         C. more activities of the same kind should also be banned

         D. the ban will meet with more criticism

5.This article is most probably taken from _______.

         A. a newspaper article                              B. an advertisement  

C. a personal diary                                        D. a letter



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