满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

into the school basketball team is a gr...

      into the school basketball team is a great pleasure for me. 

       A.To accept                B.Accepting               C.Being accepted         D.Accepted


C 【解析】略

—Is Bob still performing?

    —I’m afraid not.He is said      the stage already as he has become an officiaL

       A.to have left             B.to leave                   C.to have been left      D.to be left



If you come      second in the race,you’ll get      qualification to compete for the next round.

A./;a                             B.the;a                     C.8;the                         D./;the





Studies and reports seem to come in everyday talking about the state of the world. Global warming and pollution are threatening the delicate balance of life on Earth. The vast amount of troubles in the world can make anything we do seem unmeaning. But if we can do just a few things to help, the joined efforts can create a huge difference in both the world and in our lives. If you are not sure where to begin here are some simple things that can create a big change.

Grow your own garden. Growing your own garden can create a tremendous difference. Having fresh fruits and vegetables at your finger tips can not only improve your health, it can also save you money. Spending time each day working in your garden is wonderful exercise and a great way to get plenty of sunshine.

Stop buying chemical cleaners. The special chemicals to clean their house can have bad effect on your health and the environment. Instead of buying more bottles of chemicals and creating more waste,try some of the simple cleaner ideas that you can make yourself. Vinegar and baking soda is one of the simplest, most effective, and cheapest cleaning solutions available. Lemon juice is another safe and effective cleaner that can remove soap scum and whiten clothes as well as many other uses.

   Change your light bulbs. Replacing your ordinary light bulbs with low energy bulbs can both  _____________ and help the environment. These long lasting bulbs reduce your energy bill and do not need to be replaced as often as conventional bulbs.

   Recycle. The tried and true method of helping the environment is recycling. Most cities have recycling centers or recycling pick-up available for people. Plastic, glass, paper, even old phonebooks can be recycled and used for other things.


1. List three appropriate measures you can do to help the environment. (Please answer within 10 words.) 

(1) _____________   (2)_____________  (3)___________

2. What is the best title of this passage ? (Please answer within 10 words)


3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (Please answer within 6 words.)


4. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Don’t buy bottles of chemical and don’t make much waste any longer, you can use some simple ways to clean.


5. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.






But it has also led to lots of American words and _____ passing into British English.


For more than a century communications across the Atlantic have developed _____.


The British use prepositions where Americans sometimes _____ them.


Timoteo has an unusual job----he is a human traffic ______.


Before he _____ to direct the traffic, Timoteo had had lots of job.


I am writing in response to your advertisement for a _____ position as a waiter.


 But for those who love the outdoor life, a good bet could be the _____ industry.


I was frightened, I also felt very _____.


Mark Twain _____ the reputation he still enjoys today as one of America's greatest writers.


 _____ to change his plans, he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat. 



    On April twenty-second, some American children stayed out of school but they were not punished. They were with their parents. As Faith Lapidus tells us, it was Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day.

 The Ms. Foundation for Women started the program seventeen years ago, in 1993. At first it was just called Take Our Daughters to Work. Gloria Steinem and other foundation leaders pointed to studies showing that self-image suffers as girls become teenagers. They can lose trust in their abilities and intelligence, especially in areas like science, math and technology. So the Ms. Foundation planned a day for parents in New York City to show girls all the possibilities for them in the professional world. But there was so much interest, the organizers decided to make it national.

At first, girls mostly followed their mom or dad around at work to learn about their jobs. Later, employers and schools began to offer organized activities. But from the beginning there were protests(反对) from parents and others about the exception of boys. So in 2003 the day was renamed Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work.

2007 was the last year that the Ms. Foundation for Women headed the program. Now, the event is run by a twelve-person group called the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Foundation.

The event is connected with Mattel, the company that makes Barbie dolls.

Carolyn McKecuen is president of the foundation. She says a total of about thirty-three million children and adults are involved in the program. About one-third of the adults work at large companies or nonprofit organizations. Another third are in small businesses. The rest work in education.

Carolyn McKecuen says the numbers from this year's event are not final yet. But early reports suggest that participation was up at least ten percent from last year. And she says the foundation is hoping to find support to expand the program internationally. She says there are lots of requests from other countries for information about how to set up similar programs.

1.It was called Take Our Daughters to Work at first because ______.

A. girls are considered to be clever than boys  

B. girls are considered to be more foolish than boys

C. girls aren’t confident in some areas as they becomes older

D. girls don’t want to learn some science subjects

2.Why was the day renamed as Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day later?

A. Because some parents were against only girls’ having the chance.

B. Because some parents wouldn’t like to take their daughters to work.

C. Because some employers were against parents’ taking their children to work.

D. Because some schools didn’t want to give any students’ time to leave school.

3.How many years did the Ms. Foundation for Women head the program?

A. 17     B. 18       C. 14    D. 10

4.From this passage we can learn ______.

A. April twenty-second is a day for some American children to stay out of school for punishment 

B. the Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day is a national in America

C. Mattel is the president of the foundation whose company makes Barbie dolls

D. Lots of other countries want to set up similar programs for parents and children

5.The last paragraph shows that ______.

A. the program becomes more and more welcome

B. the program will come an end without international support

C. the program has been copied by many other countries

D. Carolyn McKecuen wants more and more children to take part in the program



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