满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The guidance booklet can be of great hel...

The guidance booklet can be of great help to      wants to do the job.

       A.whoever                  B.whomever              C.no matter who                   D.who


A 【解析】略

He felt happy when his boss stated that he could      some time for exercise.

       A.set out                     B.set aside                 C.set off                          D.set up



      into the school basketball team is a great pleasure for me. 

       A.To accept                B.Accepting               C.Being accepted         D.Accepted



—Is Bob still performing?

    —I’m afraid not.He is said      the stage already as he has become an officiaL

       A.to have left             B.to leave                   C.to have been left      D.to be left



If you come      second in the race,you’ll get      qualification to compete for the next round.

A./;a                             B.the;a                     C.8;the                         D./;the





Studies and reports seem to come in everyday talking about the state of the world. Global warming and pollution are threatening the delicate balance of life on Earth. The vast amount of troubles in the world can make anything we do seem unmeaning. But if we can do just a few things to help, the joined efforts can create a huge difference in both the world and in our lives. If you are not sure where to begin here are some simple things that can create a big change.

Grow your own garden. Growing your own garden can create a tremendous difference. Having fresh fruits and vegetables at your finger tips can not only improve your health, it can also save you money. Spending time each day working in your garden is wonderful exercise and a great way to get plenty of sunshine.

Stop buying chemical cleaners. The special chemicals to clean their house can have bad effect on your health and the environment. Instead of buying more bottles of chemicals and creating more waste,try some of the simple cleaner ideas that you can make yourself. Vinegar and baking soda is one of the simplest, most effective, and cheapest cleaning solutions available. Lemon juice is another safe and effective cleaner that can remove soap scum and whiten clothes as well as many other uses.

   Change your light bulbs. Replacing your ordinary light bulbs with low energy bulbs can both  _____________ and help the environment. These long lasting bulbs reduce your energy bill and do not need to be replaced as often as conventional bulbs.

   Recycle. The tried and true method of helping the environment is recycling. Most cities have recycling centers or recycling pick-up available for people. Plastic, glass, paper, even old phonebooks can be recycled and used for other things.


1. List three appropriate measures you can do to help the environment. (Please answer within 10 words.) 

(1) _____________   (2)_____________  (3)___________

2. What is the best title of this passage ? (Please answer within 10 words)


3. Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words. (Please answer within 6 words.)


4. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Don’t buy bottles of chemical and don’t make much waste any longer, you can use some simple ways to clean.


5. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 into Chinese.




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