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Water goes around and around Earth in a...

 Water goes around and around Earth in a never ending journey called the water cycle(循环). The sun heats up lakes, oceans, and other wet places on Earth. When the water gets warm enough, it changes into vapour. Plants also give off lots of water vapour. Some of this water vapour cools off high in the sky and becomes clouds. Then it falls back to Earth in a new place as rain or snow. This cycle happens over and over again.

The ground can absorb water like a sponge (海绵). If you could see this groundwater, it wouldn’t look like a lake or river. The groundwater is mixed in with the rocks and sand that lie in layers(层) below Earth’s surface.

Groundwater moves along slowly. How slowly? Maybe 1.5 kilometres in one century. Some of this water has been underground for thousands of years. And once groundwater is pumped out of the ground from a deep well(井) by people, it may take hundreds of years for another water to take its place.

1.In which order does water go around Earth?

a .Fall down as rain or snow.  b. Heated up by the sun on lakes, oceans and other wet places.

c. Cool off high in the sky.     d.  Form clouds.     e.  Change into vapour.





2.The groundwater seems to________.

A.be just on the ground

B.be pure water like that in a lake or river

C.exist in rocks and sand

D.flow along like rivers or streams

3.The underlined word “pumped” in the passage can be replaced by________.





4.What conclusion(结论) can we draw from the passage?

A.Groundwater can be quickly replaced by other water once pumped out.

B.Groundwater is very valuable.

C.Groundwater has nothing to do with human beings.

D.Groundwater travel in an unknown way.


1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 【解析】略

 Mr. Black and Mr. White were two very famous artists in the city. Their drawings were also very popular in the city. But they tried to see who could draw the best picture.

One day they asked an old man to be the judge. Mr. Black drew an apple tree. He put his picture in the field. Soon the birds came and tried to eat the apples. The old man saw it and said, “You have certainly won. Mr. White cannot draw so good a picture as yours. But we will go to see his picture.”

They went to Mr. White’s house. There were nothing but red beautiful curtains on the wall. The old man asked, “Where is your picture, Mr. White?” He said, “Lift the curtains, and you will find my picture.” The old man tried to lift the curtains but found that they were drawn there. They were Mr. White’s picture. The old man said, “Birds thought the apples were real. Men thought the curtains were real. So Mr. White won. His picture is the best one.”

1.Mr. Black drew       .

A.an apple tree

B.the best picture



2.The old man thought Mr. Black’s picture was good because       .

A.it was in the field

B.it was an apple tree

C.the birds liked it

D.the birds thought it was real

3.Mr. White’s picture was       .

A.an apple tree



D.an old man

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The birds came and ate the apples up.

B.The old man said Mr. White’s picture was the best one at last.

C.The two pictures were not so good.

D.The curtains on the wall were real.



 A number of people consider it bad _________ to smoke in rail station’s waiting area.







Some visitors are amazed at the fact _________ Australia is the only country in the world ______ covers a whole continent.

A.that; that

B.what; which

C.that; whose

D.it; who



 The sign “NO PARKING” on the pavement means you ________ leave your car here.







Our school is _________ the small one in the distance.

A.three times as big as

B.bigger than three times

C.as big three times as

D.three times the school



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