满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

-----I think you'd better type this lett...

-----I think you'd better type this letter again before Mr. Smith sees it.                               

------_____Oh, dear!

A.Who cares?

B.No problem.

C.I don't mind at all.

D.Is it as bad as that?


D 【解析】略

Don't just wait      .You should try to seek for information you need.

A.to inform

B.to be informed

C.for informing

D.for being informed



I will          if you can give me a hand in finishing the project.


B.appreciate it

C.appreciate that

D.appreciate you



Johnson is a very successful fashion designer and many people enjoy reading his       .  








No first lesson is more important than the one on personal safety for kids. The First Lesson of the New TERM, a TV documentary(纪录片) about how to protect oneself in times of emergency, is meant to provide school students with the knowledge on self-protection. It will help students in case of natural disasters, snowstorms or floods.

There are times when one can be helpless and hopeless in many life-threatening situations. But that does not mean we _______ the end of life at that time. Many examples show that enough knowledge about self-protection along with enough courage and determination can help many survive.

The most recent example is from May earthquake in Sichuan Province. Thousands of school kids were killed by collapsed(坍塌的) school buildings, while all students from a middle school survives even without a single one being hurt. That’s because of their timely and orderly escape, which they had been drilled in every term.

Japan has set a good example for us in safety lessons. Survival exercises are held in Japanese schools every year. With different kinds of competitions and training, schools help the students be aware and capable of surviving disasters.

It’s good to see this program is the core(核心) of a national campaign to warn students the importance of personal safety. Chinese Education Ministry has called on all schools nationwide to give lessons on self-protection knowledge in times of emergency every term.

Life is weak but can be strengthened when one is equipped with enough knowledge on how to best survive.

1.What will be helpful for students to survive natural disasters? (Please answer within 15 words)

2.Fill in the blank in paragraph 2 with a proper phrase or words. (Please answer within 2 words)

3.What is the purpose of the passage? (Please answer within 15 words)

4.Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Students will be more keen and determined in face of disasters if they have got much knowledge and experience about self-protection.

5.Translate the underlined sentence of the last paragraph into Chinese.



 Water goes around and around Earth in a never ending journey called the water cycle(循环). The sun heats up lakes, oceans, and other wet places on Earth. When the water gets warm enough, it changes into vapour. Plants also give off lots of water vapour. Some of this water vapour cools off high in the sky and becomes clouds. Then it falls back to Earth in a new place as rain or snow. This cycle happens over and over again.

The ground can absorb water like a sponge (海绵). If you could see this groundwater, it wouldn’t look like a lake or river. The groundwater is mixed in with the rocks and sand that lie in layers(层) below Earth’s surface.

Groundwater moves along slowly. How slowly? Maybe 1.5 kilometres in one century. Some of this water has been underground for thousands of years. And once groundwater is pumped out of the ground from a deep well(井) by people, it may take hundreds of years for another water to take its place.

1.In which order does water go around Earth?

a .Fall down as rain or snow.  b. Heated up by the sun on lakes, oceans and other wet places.

c. Cool off high in the sky.     d.  Form clouds.     e.  Change into vapour.





2.The groundwater seems to________.

A.be just on the ground

B.be pure water like that in a lake or river

C.exist in rocks and sand

D.flow along like rivers or streams

3.The underlined word “pumped” in the passage can be replaced by________.





4.What conclusion(结论) can we draw from the passage?

A.Groundwater can be quickly replaced by other water once pumped out.

B.Groundwater is very valuable.

C.Groundwater has nothing to do with human beings.

D.Groundwater travel in an unknown way.



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