满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

She told Tom ________ make the same mist...

She told Tom ________ make the same mistake again.

A.he can’t

B.don’t to

C.to not

D.not to


D 【解析】略

Time should be made full use of _________ ourselves.


B.to improve

C.for improving




As______ matter of fact, _______beauty of nature there made a deep impression on me.                                            

A.a; the

B.a; /

C.the; the;

D./; the



 ---- What an interesting film it is! I really enjoyed it!

----________. I really fell asleep.

A.Yes, you are right

B.No, I don’t think so

C.So it is

D.No, you’re wrong




Hope is actually something we create. It’s not something that magically appears from an outside source. Now more than ever, overcoming fear and holding onto hope are necessary and important. Trying these steps below will ___________             _______.

Be Kind to Yourself

Think about what you need most, and then do it. Is it a cup of tea, quiet music, a little rest, or reading inspirational literature? Whatever it is, grant yourself permission to do it, even for just a few minutes.

Create a Daily 5-Minute Silence Moment

Light a candle and reflect. Just silently reflecting in front of a lighted candle is extremely rewarding. This may be the one time of day when you feel connected to your own soul, and perhaps even something larger.

Treat Each Day Like a Precious Gift

What if today was the last day of your life? How would you want to live it? Ask yourself this question throughout the day. It will help you let go of the countless annoyances that tend to make most people lose balance.

Take a Break

Every day, take a 30-second break to look at the sky, breathe deeply and offer thanks. Let the sky be a sign of hope. Think of other people around the world as you look at the sky, and know that we all share this planet together. Among all of us, we have the ability to create solutions to the problems that now exist.

Express Love

Surprise a friend with a hug. Leave your partner small notes expressing thanks for kind acts. Doing all of this adds warmth and positive energy to our lives and the lives of people around us. It’s also very comforting both to the giver and receiver of each loving act.

1.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 1 with proper words. (Please answer within 5 words.)


2. Which advice mentioned in the passage do you like best? Why?(Please answer within 15 words.) ___________________________________________________________________________


3. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 5 words.)


4. Which sentence in the text is the closest in meaning to the following one?

It can help you get rid of much trouble which may lead most of us to a crash in motion.


5.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese.




Americans, generally speaking, make an effort to be friendly with their colleagues, neighbours and other people they often run into. This often takes the form of a simple greeting like “How’s it going?” or “What’s up ?” This is simply a way of saying I see you and I recognize you.

Americans also show this friendliness in “small talk”. Small talk is a casual conversation that Americans engage in when they meet on the street, in the shop or in the office before a meeting. Usually the topics of such small talk will be something that everyone is familiar with, the weather, sports, traffic, hobbies or what’s on television. The topic of the conversation is not as important as the effort make to spend a few minutes with the other person. Small talk shows that you are a considerate person who is interested in others and who is willing to take the time to get to know people.

Small talk is used in the business world to create a friendly atmosphere and to put everyone at ease before the serious matters of business are discussed. Often businessmen will spend a few minutes talking about the weather or sports before a meeting. This form of small talk only lasts a few minutes before the American businessman wants to “get down to business.”

Asians are very skilled at making casual conversation. However, they often find it difficult to make small talk with Americans because they don’t know what to say, how to say it and who to say it to. Americans may see Asians who are reluctant to make small talk as unfriendly and cold.

1. American people ask others how it is going because      .

A.they are curious about others’ affairs

B.they are eager to help others

C.they want to start a long conversation

D.they only want to show their kindness

2.Businessmen talk about weather before a meeting       .   

A.so that everyone present will feel relaxed

B.in order that everyone will be warned against the possible bad weather

C.because weather is very important to American people

D.in order to make people fresh

3.The word “reluctant” means       .        





4.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A.You should keep the conversation short.

B.Asians are not friendly and don’t like to talk with others

C.“To get down to business” means to start the work.

D.The topics of the small talk are not very important.



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