满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

____ warmly for his work, he was too____...

____ warmly for his work, he was too____ to fall asleep.

A.Praising; excited

B.To praise; exciting

C.Praised; exciting

D.Praised; excited


D 【解析】略

 There doesn’t seem much point_____ on the project, for it is not useful at all.

A.to work


C.in working




基础写作 (共1题;满分15分)





请写一篇新闻报道, 报道本次调查的基本情况。



词汇提示:宿舍-dormitory,  寄宿生-boarding student

Last week there was a survey among boarding students on the school rules All Dormitories Should Turn off the Lights before Half past Ten PM, collecting students’ opinions.












 Yang Ming reports, from the Students’ Union.






翻译句子 (共4小题, 每小题2.5分, 满分10分)

根据所给的中文和括号内的语法提示, 把下面句子翻译成英语,写在答题卷相应的横线上。

71. 实话告诉你, 我被人家取笑是很尴尬的。(it作主语)

To tell you the truth,                                                        .

72. 如果我把黑色照相机和白色照相机做过比较,就不会选择那台黑色的了。(虚拟语气)

If I                        the black camera with the white,                                                                                


73. 找到了问题所在, 公交车司机向乘客道歉, 由于他让大家等了这么久。 (名词从句)

Finding                                       ,the bus driver said sorry to the passengers for __________________________________________________________________.

74. 直到废除奴隶制的时候, 他才意识到黑人将得到彻底的解放。(被动语态)

Not until the slavery was got rid of                                                                              




补全句子 (共5小题, 每小题2分, 每个短语或词组1分, 满分10分)

阅读下列句子,使用适当的短语或词组将句子补全, 将每一题的答案写在答题卷相应的横线上。

66. 昆明四季如春, 换句话说, 每个人都不难适应那里的气候。

The climate in Kunming is year-round spring.(1)____ ____ ____, it is not difficult for anyone to(2) ____ ____ ____ the climate there.

67. 当小男孩感到过山车突然翻转时, 他吓得要死。

The little boy(1) ____ ____ ____ ____ when he felt the roller coaster was suddenly turned(2)____ ____ .

68. 第一次到上海我就对它印象深刻, 所以, 我很想毕业后在那儿找工作,终于做到了。

As I (1)____ ____ ____ by Shanghai on my first visit, I (2) ____ ____ finding a job there after graduation. And so I did.

69. 演讲前最需要的是: 你必须树立自信心。

What is badly(1)____ _____ before the speech is that you must (2)____ ____ your confidence.

70. 深圳使用提供高薪水的方式, 从全国各地引进了各种各样的有识之士。

Shenzhen (1)____ ____ varieties of intelligent people from all over China (2)____ ____ ____ offering them high salary.



单词拼写 (共5小题, 每小题1分, 满分5分)

根据句子的意思和括号里的中文提示, 写出下列的单词。

61. According to the plan, three ____ (申请人) will hand in their forms after they register. 

62. I did what I could to make our guests _____ (舒服的).

63.There are many ____ (目击者) who saw the fighting right on spot.     

64. It is ____ (非法的) for anyone to sell or buy marijuana (大麻) in our country.

65. China is a country with a long history of ____ (文明).    



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