满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

--- Why is Jack always playing? --- He h...

--- Why is Jack always playing?

   --- He has no ________ of time.

A. feeling       B. opinion        C. effect         D. sense


D 【解析】

--- Mom, I still want to watch the football match tonight.

--- The final exams are approaching. _____ you watch the football World Cup every night?

A. Must         B. Can           C. May          D. Need



You have to be a fairly good speaker to ________ listeners’ interest for over an hour.

A. catch        B. hold           C. improve        D. attract



As is known to all, _______ strong and powerful China will certainly benefit _____ whole world.

A. a; a         B. the; a   C. the; the        D. a; the




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As can be seen from the chart, great changes have been taking place in the ownership of mobile phones in China._________________________________________






1.The price of vegetables v______________ from season to season.

2. Chunxi Street is the c _______________ center of Chengdu.

3. The c ______________ between different ethnic groups caused a series of wars.

4.It suddenly o ______________ to me that I might have been taken in by him.

5. Many countries highly v ______________ China’s role in keeping world peace.

6. Zhang Wuben exaggerated the quantity of ______________ (营养物质) contained in

   beans and garlic, causing their price to rise rapidly.

7.. Having lost a leg in the car accident, the girl remained ______________ (乐观的)  

   and tried to cheer up other patients in her room.

8. The CEO of the company has announced his ______________ (打算,意图) to retire.

9. Zhen He was the first Chinese to make a ______________ (航海,航行) around the 


10. His ______________ (鼓舞人心的) speech gave encouragement to all the audience





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