满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Section B Directions: For each blank in ...

Section B

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are 4 words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with a word or phrase that best fits the context.

There was a man who had a little boy that he loved very much. Every day after work the man would come home and   36   with the little boy. He would always spend all of his   37   time playing with the little boy.

One night, while the man was at work, he realized that he had extra work to do for the evening, and that he wouldn't be able to play with his little boy.  38  , he wanted to be able to give the boy something to keep him   39  . So, looking around his   40  , he saw a magazine with a large map of the world on the cover. He got an idea. He removed the map, and then patiently tore it up into small pieces. Then he put all the pieces in his coat pocket.

When he got home, the little boy came   41   to him and was ready to play. The man explained that he had extra work to do and couldn't play just now, but he led the little boy into the dining room, and taking out all the pieces of the map, he   42   them on the table. He   43   that it was a map of the world, and that by the time he could put it back together, his extra work would be finished, and they could   44   play. Surely this would keep the child busy for hours, he thought.

About half an hour later the boy came to the man and said, "Okay, it's finished. Can we play now?"

The man was   45  , saying, "That's impossible. Let's go see." And sure enough, there was the picture of the world; all   46   every piece in its place.

The man said, "That's amazing!  47   did you do that?" The boy said, "It was simple. On the back of the page was a picture of a man. When I put the man together the whole world fell into place."

36. A. stay         B. play           C. cooperate      D. contact

37.A. special      B. unusual         C. extra          D. other

38.A. However      B. Therefore      C. Otherwise      D. Then

39. A. tired        B. busy          C. hardworking      D. important

40. A. store        B. house         C. home         D. office

41. A. running    B. moving        C. walking         D. jumping    

42. A. used        B. threw         C. spread         D. pulled

43. A. shouted     B. explained      C. murmured     D. admitted

44. A. neither     B. either        C. too            D. both

45. A. satisfied          B. moved              C. surprised       D. worried

46. A. put together B. sewn together    C. dressed up     D. torn up

47. A. Where     B. When         C. How          D. Why


36-40 BCABD  41-45 ACBDC   46-47AC 【解析】略

35. — Have you finished your essay?   

— Half       when you come back. 

A.has been done

B.will have been done

C.had been done

D.is done



34. The visitor asked to have his picture taken _________ stood the famous tower.







32. Staying in a different country, just watch others to see _____ they act to decide what the best to say is.







31. The cheering went on for quite some time _____ it died down and people took their seats again.







30. —I _________ his telephone number.

—I have his number, but I _________ to bring my phone book.”

A.forget, forget

B.forgot, forgot

C.forgot, forget

D.forget, forgot



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