满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

—Sorry indeed, I ________ to your birthd...

—Sorry indeed, I ________ to your birthday party if …

—Forget it. I know you were out on business.

A.must come

B.would come

C.must have come

D.would have come


D 【解析】略

—Another cup of coffee? That’s your third since lunch.

—Yeah, well, I ____ all night preparing for my history exam. I can hardly keep my eyes open.

A.stayed up

B.have stayed up

C.have been staying up

D.will stay up



—What’s up? You look down.  —I have piles of papers ________, but I type so slowly.

A.to be typed


C.to type

D.being typed



—Can we get the computer before Wednesday?

—_______. If it is within 30 kilometers, we can make it, but if further away, it will be on Thursday.

A.I don’t know for sure

B.Well, that all depends

C.It’s up to you, sir

D.There’s no rush




第四部分 书面表达(满分25分)







Nowadays the government and people of China are trying to build a country with a harmonious relationship.




第三部分 任务型阅读(二)(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

Fairview Elementary School, Modesto, California, with some 1,000 students from kindergarten through sixth grade (about 80 percent of them Latino), has long suffering from discipline problems, poor test scores, and a near total lack of parental involvement. The difficulties aren't surprising given that many of the parents -- immigrants who work on farms or in factories -- speak little or no English.

    Since 2002, Fairview Elementary School has been a First Amendment School, one of 97 developed across the country by the First Amendment Center. The idea behind the five-year-old program: To keep America strong, children must be trained to respect many points of view, weigh complex issues, and understand the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution(宪法) .As students learn good citizenship, the theory goes, they'll develop the skills and attitude to do well academically.

    Fairview students enjoy "freedoms" other kids might envy (they voted to abolish school uniforms, for example). But the children don't just exercise rights. They also accept such responsibilities as speaking up during class discussions, and keeping the school clean and safe (Fairview is rated the cleanest of 33 schools in its district). In one departure from tradition, there's no hand-raising in class. "Instead," says teacher Deborah Supnet, "we teach them to listen for when the other child stops talking," Call it an exercise in respect.

     Last year, the number of students evaluated advanced in math increased, from 15 to 30 percent. And Fairview graduates in their first middle-school mid-term exam averaged B grades; 96 percent passed all subjects. Particularly encouraging to Principal Rob Williams, the school now has an active parents' group, Parents With a Voice. One of those parents, Laura Malagon, praises the program for convincing her to play a more active role in her children's school life.



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