满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The English spoken in the United States ...

The English spoken in the United States is only slightly different from ____ spoken in England.

   A. which          B. what            C. that                D. one


C 【解析】略

The question of whether English will continue changing in the future is easy _______.

   A. answer         B. to answer        C. to be answered       D. answering



The Chinese language differs from many Western languages     it uses characters which have meanings and can stand alone as words. Zxxk

A. unless                     B. until                     C. now that                D. in that



— I’m thinking of the driving test tomorrow. I’m afraid I can’t pass it this time.

   —I’m sure you will make it. _______!

A. No wonder          B. Cheer up           C. No problem                D. No way



All of __ sudden , I saw __ UFO with _____ alien in it flying in front of my house.

 A. the ; the       ; a          B a ; the ; a            C. a ; an ; an            D. a ; a ; an



How much can environment affect intelligence? In one study, striking increases in IQ occurred in 25 children who were moved from an orphanage(孤儿院) to more stimulating(使人兴奋的,使人振奋的) environments.The children, who were all considered mentally retarded and unadoptable, were moved to an institution where they received personal attention from adults.Later, these supposedly retarded children were adopted by parents who gave them love, a family ,and a stimulating home environment.The children gained an average of 29 IQ points.For one child, the increase was an amazing 58 points.A second group of initially less "retarded" children, who stayed in the orphanage, lost an average of 26 IQ points.

Other encouraging results can be found in early childhood education programs, which provide stimulating intellectual experiences for disadvantaged children.In one study, children from low-income families were given enriched environments from early infancy(婴儿期) through preschool.By age 2 their IQ scores were already higher than those in a control group.More important, they were still 5 points higher seven years later.High-quality enrichment programs such as Head Start can prevent children from falling behind in school.

A particularly striking environmental effect is the fact that 14 nations have shown average IQ gains of from 5 to 25 points during the last 30 years.These IQ boosts, averaging 15 points, occurred in far too short a time for genetics to explain them.It is more likely that the gains reflect environmental forces, such as improved education, nutrition, and living in a technologically complex society.

1.What's the main idea of this passage

A.Retarded children cannot improve their IQ's.

B.Orphanages are full of mentally retarded children.

C.Environmental factors influence a child's IQ.

D.Early childhood education programs are important.

2.The author is in favor of _____________ according to the passage.

A.putting retarded children into institutions

B.providing early childhood education programs

C.keeping children in orphanages

D.keeping retarded children with others like themselves

3.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as an environmental factor that affects IQ       .

A.Good nutrition.

B.Improved technology.

C.Better education.

D.Food pollution.

4.What can we conclude from the passage ?

A.Attention from parents has little effect on a child's IQ.

B.Head Start programs are a waste of money.

C.Increases in IQ have happened in the US more rapidly than elsewhere.

D.Genetics are less important than environment in gaining one's IQ.



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