满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

To finish the work in such a short time...

 To finish the work in such a short time, all of us ________ like crazy day and night.

    A. are supposed to work                        B. suppose to work

C. suppose to working                         D. are supposed to working


A 【解析】略

The boss is going on business next Monday and the factory will be left _______ Tony.  

A.    taking charge of                  B. taking the charge of      

C. in charge of                                 D. in the charge of



 It’s suggested that everyone should_______ at least one hour a day to keep fit.

  A. work for               B. work out           C. work at            D. work on



Our manager asked us to keep him _______ of what was going on there.

A. informing      B. to be informed       C. informed            D. being informed



The women carrying babies, come in first, ________?

      A. will you        B. will they          C. don’t they      D. don’t you



The astronauts were so struck by ______beauty of nature that they took lots of pictures in _______space.

   A. the ; /  B. the; the   C. /; the   D. /;/



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