满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Having ________ every night is very impo...

Having ________ every night is very important for your health.

      A. a good amount of sleeps                 B. a number of sleep

       C. a good amount of sleep                   D. a great deal of sleeps


C 【解析】略

He made three good friends in the university, ______ joined the army after graduation.

A. one of them        B. one of whom       C. one            D. one of which



 _______ is certain, people’s living conditions in China have improved a lot since the 1980s.

A. It                   B. As       C. what             D. Which



Humans are polluting the earth day by day, ________, of course, will cause punishment sooner or later.

A. that                         B. it                             C. which                      D. what



You’d better cut your hair short. Our school doesn’t _______long hair.

  A. approve of students wore                    B. approve students to wear

  C. approve of students to wear                D. approve of students wearing



—When can we make an appointment with you , sir ?

—What about Wednesday afternoon ?


       A.Do you have time then ? B.It doesn’t suit me.

       C.That’s settled.              D.It’s so nice to meet you.



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