满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

―I think it’s too late to apologize to K...

―I think it’s too late to apologize to Kate.

―Never mind. _______. 

A. Good medicine tastes bitter

B. Better late than ever

C. All good things come to an end

D. A man becomes learned by asking questions


B 【解析】略

Having ________ every night is very important for your health.

      A. a good amount of sleeps                 B. a number of sleep

       C. a good amount of sleep                   D. a great deal of sleeps



He made three good friends in the university, ______ joined the army after graduation.

A. one of them        B. one of whom       C. one            D. one of which



 _______ is certain, people’s living conditions in China have improved a lot since the 1980s.

A. It                   B. As       C. what             D. Which



Humans are polluting the earth day by day, ________, of course, will cause punishment sooner or later.

A. that                         B. it                             C. which                      D. what



You’d better cut your hair short. Our school doesn’t _______long hair.

  A. approve of students wore                    B. approve students to wear

  C. approve of students to wear                D. approve of students wearing



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