满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It is reported that the floods have left...

It is reported that the floods have left about _________ people homeless.

A. two thousand        B. two-thousands             C. two thousands           D. two thousands of


A 【解析】

When you get the paper back, pay special attention to what ________.

A. have marked                B. have been marked   C. had marked    D. had been marked



Students should be encouraged to use ________ Internet as ________ resource.

A. 不填; a            B. the; a               C. the; the            D. 不填; the




生日:1980.9.12          出生地:上海          身高:2.26米

体重:134千克            座右铭:相信自己     位置:中锋

   主要经历:1997  进上海篮球队                 

1998  入选国家队

2000  入选亚洲全明星队       

2002  CBA总冠军主力成员

2002  成为NBA选秀(draft)状元并加盟休斯敦火箭队


注意:      1. 邮件开头已经为你写好,不计入总字数;

2. 短文必须包括所有内容要点,可适当发挥;

3. 词数:150字

亚洲全明星队Asian All-Star basketball team

冠军champion  选秀draft  休斯敦火箭队Houston Rockets

Hi, Colin,

  You asked me about Yao Ming. Here is something I got when I searched the websites at home.






Many people would like to watch sport matches .First,you need to know about audience manners.

Most sporting arenas (竞技场) have rules for spectators written on the back of the tickets. Read your ticket carefully before you arrive.Try to reach your seat half an hour before the start of the event and don’t leave when a game is in progress.When you leave,remember to take away your soft drink bottles and other rubbish.

During exciting games, try to control yourself. Don’t criticize the performance of players and coaches.Be careful with your words, since some may cause anger among other people in the audience.

Applause is a special form of body language you can use to communicate with players,but you should do it properly .When players first appear,clap your hands together to welcome them, but don’t go on for too long. After an excellent performance, applaud warmly. If someone fails, your applause will help encourage them.

Applause is not welcome, however, while players need to keep their concentration. Various sports have various rules for the audience.

Enjoying artistic gymnastics silence.But lots of cheering can really help basketball and football players. Snooker and table tennis courtside behavior includes a ban on flash photography. Mobile phones are not allowed in shooting centers.

To be a good spectator, you should take time to learn the game-specific rules and related culture of each event

Good Audience1.__



Before games

Sporting arenas

★read your tickets carefully before your 2._____

★reach and leave there in time

★take  3._____ your rubbish when leave

During games

Exciting games

★pay attention to your behavior and be4._


★use it properly 


★keep 7.__

Basketball and football

★you should 8.___

Snooker and table tennis

★forbid 9.___ photos

Shooting centers

★Don’t use mobile phones

After games

How to be a good spectator

★to learn the 10.___ rules and culture






It must have been around nine o'clock when I drove back home from work because it was already dark. As I came near to the gates I turned off the head lights of the car so as to prevent the beam from swinging (摆动) through the window and waking Jack, who shared the house with me. But I needn't have done so. I noticed that his light was still on, so he was awake anyway—unless he had fallen asleep while reading. I put the car away and went up the steps.

Then I opened the door quietly and went to Jack's room. He was in bed awake, but he didn't even turn towards me.

“What's up, Jack﹖” I asked.

“For God's sake, don't make a noise,” he said.

The way he spoke reminded me of someone in pain who is afraid to talk in case he does himself serious injury.

“Take your shoes off, Neville,” Jack said.

I thought that he must be ill and that I had better give way to him to keep him happy. “There is a snake here,” he explained. “It's asleep between the sheets. I was lying on my back reading when I saw it.I knew that moving was out of the question. I could not have moved even I'd wanted to.” I realized that he was serious. “I was depending on you to call a doctor as soon as you came home,” Jack went on. “It has not bitten me yet but I dare not do anything to upset it. It might wake up. I'm sick of this,” he said.“I took it for granted that you would have come home an hour ago.”

There was no time to argue or apologize for being late.I looked at him as encouraging as I could and went to telephone the doctor.

1.When he got home, Neville found that _____.

    A.Jack had fallen asleep while reading     B.Jack had been reading for some time

    C.Jack's light was not turned off          D.Jack was ready to answer the doctor

2.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 6 means _____.

    A.impossible     B.no problem       C.no doubt     D.without difficulty

3.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage﹖

    A.Neville and Jack lived in the same house.

    B.Neville thought that Jack had fallen ill.

    C.Neville really believed that Jack was not making a joke.

    D.Neville refused to argue or to make an apology for being late.

4.The reason why Neville thought that Jack must be ill is that Jack ____.

    A.asked Neville to take off his shoes

    B.made a gesture to show the presence of the snake

    C.was afraid to upset the snake sleeping between the sheets

    D.behaved strangely as if he were badly hurt

5.According to the passage, Neville should have been home at ____.

    A.7 p.m.     B.8 p.m.     C.9 p.m.    D.6 p.m.



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