满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Diego Maradona is always considered as ...

 Diego Maradona is always considered as a ___ figure. On the one hand, he is one of the greatest football star looked up to by youngsters in the history. On the other hand, he is always a troublemaker.






B 【解析】略

To our excitement, a new town will be set up in ___ is now a wasteland.







The biggest problem with Bob is that he never has got a/ an ___ goal in his life.









What is eco-fashion? Eco-fashion is a complex phenomenon and the common use of the term covers two aspects of fashion——'ecological ' and 'ethical ' (伦理的). Ecological fashion usually refers to textile(织物) and clothing production processes and the environmental issues surrounding them; ethical fashion generally relates to the working conditions involved in the producing processes.

What are the problems with fashion? Firstly, the production of textiles pollutes the environment heavily. Cotton-planting uses pesticides; sheep-farming and wool-cleaning contribute to global warming; synthetics-making (人造纤维生产) brings about harmful waste. Secondly, every stage of clothing production has a significant effect on the environment. They all use a great deal of energy, and some also involve harmful chemicals. In addition to this, there is a lot of waste produced in the process, especially in the form of polluted water. Thirdly, growing consumption levels and our shopping habits further worsen the bad effects. We are now buying clothes in increasing quantities without realizing the scale on which it affects natural environment, and we are also quick to throw away clothes that have been worn only a couple of times.

Then, how to solve the problem? To a large degree, it is the fashion producers that really have the power and the responsibility to shape our future. There are numerous ways in which these producers can reduce their ecological footprint, from switching to green energy and reducing energy use, through selecting sustainable(可持续使用的) materials and choosing local suppliers, to recycle and minimize waste. On the other hand, as consumers we can all make contributions by selecting environmentally friendly clothing and reducing clothing consumption.

Now many people are beginning to shop for organic food products because the benefits of eating food free of chemicals are straightforward and immediate. They relate directly to our personal health. In fact, choosing eco-fashion can also contribute to our personal health, though it is mostly done by way of keeping the health of the planet.

Why choose eco-fashion?


of fashion


Textile & clothing production processes

Related environmental issues


(77)______ involved


with fashion

Textile production

Cotton-planting: use of pesticides

(79)______ : global warming

Synthetics-making: harmful waste


Consuming a great deal of energy

Using harmful chemicals

Producing a lot of waste

Consumption levels and shopping habits

New clothes: bought (81)______

Old clothes: thrown away quickly


to problems

Fashion producers

Ways to (83)______ and minimize waste:

·Switching to green energy

·Reducing energy use

·Selecting sustainable materials

·Choosing local suppliers


Selecting environmentally friendly clothing


Choosing eco-fashion can contribute to our personal health.



To understand the marketing concept, it is only necessary to understand the difference between marketing and selling. Not too many years ago, most industries concentrated primarily on the efficient production of goods, and then relied on "persuasive salesmanship" to move as much of these goods as possible. Such production and selling focuses on the needs of the seller to produce goods and then convert them into money.

Marketing, on the other hand, focuses on the wants of consumers. It begins with first analyzing the preferences and demands of consumers and then producing goods that will satisfy them. This eye - on - the - consumer approach is known as the marketing concept, which simply means that instead of trying to sell whatever is easiest to produce or buy for resale, the makers and dealers first endeavor to find out what the consumer wants to buy and then go about making it available for purchase.

This concept does not imply that business is benevolent(慈善的) or that consumer satisfaction is given priority over profit in a company. There are always two sides to every business transaction -- the firm and the customer -- and each must be satisfied before trade occurs. Successful merchants and producers, however, recognize that the surest route to profit is through understanding and meeting to customers. A striking example of the importance of meeting to the consumer presented itself in mid - 1985, when Coca Cola changed the flavor of its drink. The non - acceptance of the new flavor by a significant part of the public brought about a prompt(果断的) restoration(恢复) of the Classic Coke, which was then marketed alongside new. King Customer ruled!

1. The marketing concept discussed in the passage is, in fact, __________.

A.the practice of turning goods into money

B.making goods available for purchase

C.the customer- centered approach

D.a form of persuasive salesmanship

2. What was the main concern of industrialists before the marketing concept was widely accepted?

A.The needs of the market.

B.The efficiency of production.

C.The satisfaction of the user.

D.The preferences of the dealer.

3.According to the passage, the underlined part "to move as much of these goods as possible" ( Para. 1 ) means _________.

A.to sell the largest possible amount of goods

B.to transport goods as efficiently as possible

C.to dispose of these goods in large quantities

D.to redesign these goods for large - scale production

4. What does the restoration of the Classic Coke best illustrate?

A.Traditional goods have a stronger appeal to the majority of people.

B.It takes time for a new product to be accepted by the public.

C.Consumers with conservative tastes are often difficult to please.

D.Products must be designed to suit the taste of the consumer.



A survey by an international temporary service agency found that U. S. managers believe that people with a sense of humour do better at their jobs, compared with those who have little or no sense of humour. In fact, about 96 percent of those surveyed said people with a sense of humour do better.

The survey went on to point out that the results suggest that a sense of humour may help light-hearted employees keep their jobs during tough times. And, what's more, it may push them up the corporate ladder past their humourless colleagues. Why? It seems that those with a sense of humour are better communicators and better team players.

Studies have shown that happy workers are more productive. In fact, a researcher at California State University found that humour could help the employees to release tension.

Research done by psychologist Dr. Ashton Trice at Mary Baldwin College in Virginia showed that humour helps us think. When people feel stuck on important projects, they tend to feel angry or depressed.  According to Dr. Trice's research, taking time out to laugh can help us to get rid of negative feelings and allow us to return to a task or move on to another project unaffected by past defeat.

If humour is really this important, then why don't we use it more often on the job? Most likely, the main reason is that many people are unaware of the positive effects of humour in the workplace. However, it is important to realize that some humour is not suitable for the workplace, and that it is often used at wrong times.

1. Most people think a sense of humour can ________.

A.help you to do your work better

B.make you have a rich life

C.make you pleased with your work

D.help you to make more friends

2.Many people don't use humour more in the workplace because __________.

A.they like keeping silent when working

B.they don't know the positive effects of humour

C.they think they should obey the rules

D.they don't like joking or laughing

3. A person without a sense of humour is easier __________.

A.to feel surprised

B.to get along with

C.to be worried

D.to be successful

4.What is probably the best title for the article?

A.People with a Sense of Humour.

B.Humour Is Important in the Workplace.

C.Humour and Humourless.

D.Everyone Likes Humour.



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