满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

How long do you suppose ______ we applie...

How long do you suppose ______ we applied for the job ________ we had been trained .

A.has it been since ; for which

B.is it before ; in which

C.it is when ; that

D.it is since ; for which


D 【解析】略

The old man remained seated on the grass with his thoughts ________ the faith that the boy is worth ________ .

A.concentrated in ; adopting

B.focused on ; being adopted

C.attracted to ; to be adopted

D.concentrated on ; adopting



- What a great success the exhibition was last night !

-_______ , especially it ______ those who have a preference for the beauty of nature .

A.So it did ; appeals to

B.So did it , interested

C.So was it ; attracted

D.So it was ; appealed to



The teacher would rather the boy ________ what she demands ________ him to set the bird ________ free .

A.to do ; of ; caught alive

B.did ; from ; being caught living

C.had done ; for ; caught lovely

D.did ; of ; caught alive



It’s ________ most beautiful furniture , by which I was struck at the first sight and I determined to take ________ possession of it some day .

A.the ; ×

B.a ; /

C.a ; the

D./ ; /



-Mr Smith , I’m sorry I used your telephone when you were away this morning .

- ____________ .

A.That’s all right

B.It’s a pleasure

C.You are welcome

D.Don’t mention it



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