满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Word came ________the concert that was g...

Word came ________the concert that was given by the band ________ 5 teenagers was appealing .

A.that ; consisting of

B.which ; made up of

C./ ; consisted of

D.that ; is made up of


A 【解析】略

 It was ________ experience that caused the company Robert ________ two years ago to get into trouble .

A.lack of ; set up

B.lacking of ; set up

C.lacking ; pick up

D.being lacked ; started



Had we assisted him , he ________ us a hand ________ today .

A.would have given ; in exchange

B.should give ; to exchange

C.could give ; in exchange

D.might have given ; to exchange for



The car ________ on the way , consequently ________ .

A.was stuck in the mud ; which led to Jack to miss the train

B.was caught in the mud ; and led Jack’s missing the train

C.was held up in the traffic ; leading to Jack’s missing the train

D.was held back in the traffic ; it led to Jack’s missing the train



How long do you suppose ______ we applied for the job ________ we had been trained .

A.has it been since ; for which

B.is it before ; in which

C.it is when ; that

D.it is since ; for which



The old man remained seated on the grass with his thoughts ________ the faith that the boy is worth ________ .

A.concentrated in ; adopting

B.focused on ; being adopted

C.attracted to ; to be adopted

D.concentrated on ; adopting



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