满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My mother insisted that I _____to school...

My mother insisted that I _____to school on foot.






C 【解析】略

 Since Margot found it difficult to settle in a new place, she felt ______ that the family had to move.












世博会the World Expo;遗产heritage;促进promote







Better City,Better Life
















When we talk about city life, we’ll think tall                1.________

buildings, busy streets and comfortable live                 2.___

conditions. Besides, there is much pollution in               3._____

the city now. People have to put up with noisy               4._______

and harmful smoke. How about country life? The            5._______

first feelings come into our minds are peace and quiet.        6.___

We can enjoy the blue sky, golden crop and fresh air.         7._____

But life in the country is not so easy as it in the city.          8._____

In my opinion, if we pay attention to protect the             9._

environment and developing the country, and we’ll enjoy      10._____

a modern and peaceful life.



There was one thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and heavy automobile traffic. At present, we realize that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is worldwide. On several occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the east of the United States and brought health warnings in rural areas away from any major concentration (集中)of manufacturing and automobile traffic. In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be infected by air pollution.

Some scientists consider that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of coal and oil is creating a “greenhouse effect” - raising the world’s average temperature. If this view is correct and the world’s temperature is raised only a few degrees, much of the polar ice will melt and cities such as New York, Boston, Miami, and New Orleans will be in water.

Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particular matter in the atmosphere is preventing sunlight and lowering the earth’s temperature - a result that would be equally disastrous. A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age, and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas. Today we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen though one recent government reports that the greenhouse effect is very possible. Perhaps, if we are lucky enough, the two tendencies will offset(抵消)each other and the world’s temperature will stay about the same as it is now. Driven by economic profits, people don’t think about the damage on our environment caused by the “advanced civilization”. Maybe the air pollution is the price the human beings have to pay for their development. But is it really worth?

1.As pointed out at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution ________.

A. caused widespread damage in the countryside

    B. affected the entire eastern half of the United States

    C. had damaged effect on health

    D. existed only in urban and industrial areas

2. As to the greenhouse effect, the author ________.

    A. shares the same view with the scientists

    B. is uncertain of its happening

    C. rejects it as being ungrounded

    D. thinks it will destroy the world soon

3.It can be concluded from the last paragraph that ________.

    A. lowering the world’s temperature only a few degrees would lead major farming areas to disaster

    B. raising the world’s temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on earth

    C. almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade

    D. the world’s temperature will remain constant in the years to come

4.This passage is mainly about ________.

    A. the greenhouse effect

    B. the burning of coal and oil

    C. the potential effect of air pollution

    D. the likelihood of a new ice age



Have you ever thought about what determines the way we are when we grow up? Remember the TV program Seven Up? It started following the lives of a group of children in 1973. We first meet them as wide-eyed seven-year-olds and catch up with them at seven-year intervals: nervous 14-year-olds, serious 21-year-olds and then grown-ups.

Some of the stories are inspiring, others sad, but what is interesting in almost all the cases is the way in which the children’s early hopes and dreams are shown in their future lives. For example, at seven, Tony is a lively child who says he wants to become a sportsman or a taxi driver. When he grows up, he goes on to do both. How about Niki? She says, “I would like to find out about the moon.” And she goes on to become a space scientist. As a child, soft-spoken Bruce says he wants to help “poor children” and ends up teaching in India.

But if the lives of all the children had followed this pattern, the program would be far less interesting than it actually was. It was the children whose childhood did not prepare them for what was to come that made the program so interesting. Where did their ideas come from about what they wanted to do when they grew up? Are children influenced by what their parents do, by what they see on television or by what their teachers say? How great is the effect of a single important event? Many film directors, including Steven Spielberg, say that an early visit to the cinema was the turning point in their lives. Dr. Margaret McAllister, who has done a lot of research in this area, thinks that the major factors are parents, friends and their wider society.

1.What does the text mainly discuss?

A. New ways to make a TV program interesting.

    B. The importance of TV programs to children.

    C. Different ways to make childhood dreams come true.

    D. The influence of childhood experience on future lives.

2. What does the underlined word “influenced” mean in the last paragraph?

    A. Impressed.     B. Improved.        C. Affected.          D. Attracted.

3. What are the examples in Paragraph 2 meant to show?

    A. Many people’s childhood hopes are related to their future jobs.

    B. There are many poor children in India who need help.

    C. Children have different dreams about their future.

    D. A lot of people are very sad in their childhood.

4.Spielberg’s story is meant to show that _______.

    A. going to a movie at an early age helps a child learn about society

    B. a single childhood event may decide what one does as a grown-up

    C. parents and friends can help a child grow up properly

D. films have more influence on a child than teachers do



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