满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Some of the roads were flooded, _______...

 Some of the roads were flooded, _________ made our journey more difficult.

A. which               B. it               C. what         D. that


A 【解析】略

  Look! That fellow is too sleepy to work. He ______ up reading until midnight.

A. mustn't stay                                  B. mustn't have stayed

C. ought not to stay                              D. should not have stayed



  According to Lee, it was Ben’s carelessness that _______ the accident. But Ben _______ his wrong doing.

A. led to; got the hang of                         B. caused; got away from

C. accounted for; got away with                       D. resulted in; went away with



  Even though they are not doubtful at all _______ John will pass the exam, I still wonder ______ he is fully prepared.

A. whether; that                 B. that; whether   C. that; that         D. whether; whether



  Tim is always lying, thus no one will believe _______ he says.

A. no matter what       B. why                C. which             D. whatever



 ______ the scene, he couldn’t help thinking of the description in a book ____ by a British novelist.

A. Seeing; written                                   B. Seen; written

C. Being seen; writing                             D. Being seeing; written



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