满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Pointing to the house on ______ roof gr...

 Pointing to the house on ______ roof grew lots of bush, the old man told me that was ______ I would stay.

A. its ;what     B. whose ;what   C. whose ;where    D. its ;where


C 【解析】略

 Choosing the right dictionary depends on ______ you want to use it for.

   A. why       B. what       C. how       D. whether



I don’t think the experiment is ______ failure. At least we have gained ______ experience for future success.  

     A.不填;the        B. a; the         C. a ; 不填                D.不填; 不填


























76. In my o____________, it was foolish of him to commit suicide.

77. Did the medicine have any e________ on his disease?

78. It is our ______________ (传统的) custom to celebrate the Spring Festival.

79. After the ceremony , the guests can ________(出席)a wedding reception , which is usually a huge party and can last through the night .

80. The students ____________ (抱怨) that they didn’t have enough sleep.

81. He fell off the bike , _____.(幸运地)he was not hurt seriously.

82. Tom g __________ from a college in 1980 and got a job in a local government.

83. As a student, it is good for us to c________ learning with fun.

84. Before she stepped onto the stage to make a speech, she gave me a _____ (自信的) smile.

85. When our English teacher wants somebody to answer his question, he will raise his hand and ask, “ Any v ________ ?”



Adding Humors to Your Conversations

Humor adds bright light to your conversations . People like and trust with a good sense of humor . In order to make others laugh , you have to be fun and relaxed . It’s hard to be funny when you’re stressed out .(心力交瘁的)

When you feel tense(紧张的), your humor will disappear . You have to find ways to bring your humor back and feel relaxed .

Here are some ideas to keep your humor :


When you feel tired , you can just open your favorite book of humor writing or cartoons to lighten the moment .


Maybe you have a picture of your kids at Disney World . Maybe it’s a picture of your last year’s Halloween costume . Perhaps a photo will remind you that your dog makes you laugh . The photo will also open the door to fun-filled conversations with visitiors to your office .


If you’ve been with people , spend some time alone . If you’ve been sitting , take a walk . If you’ve been in a quiet environment , go someplace exciting . If you’ve been indoors , step outside .

Whenever , you’re stressed , your body is usually telling you that you need to do something different . You want to keep yourself in a humor-ready state .


This will provide a place for you and your co-workers to have a mind-vacation . Find some fun posters to decorate the room . Put interesting things , like games and puzzles in the room . Design a notice board for fun photos , cartoons and contests . The idea is to fill the room with fun and make people forget about the stress .


A. Consider breaking the pattern(模式)when you’re in a bad mood . Do something different .

B. Have a fun photo of something that recalls wonderful memories on your desk .

C. Help design a better room .

D. Keep something that makes you laugh or smile near you .



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