满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A g...


A girl used to turn her cell phone off and put it by her photo on the desk every night before going to bed. This habit has been with her ever since she 1.the cellphone.

The girl had a boyfriend .When they couldn’t 2.,they would either call or send messages to each other.They both liked the type of3..

One night the boy really 4.the girl. When he called her, however ,the girl’s cell phone was off because she was already5.. The next day , the boy asked the girl to 6.her cell- phone on at night, because when he needed to reach her and could not, he would be 7.

 From that day on ,the girl began a new8.. Her cell phone was never 9.at night. Because she was afraid that she might not be able to10.the phone ring in her sleep, she tried to 11.very alert. As days went on, she became thinner and thinner. Slowly, a gap began to12.between them.

 The girl wanted to revive their relationship. One night, she called the boy. However , what she got was a sweet female 13.: ”Sorry, the subscriber you dialed is power off.” The girl knew that her 14. had just been turned off.

 After a long time, the girl had a new love. No matter how well they got along, the girl 15. to get married . In the girl’s heart ,she always16. that boy’s words and the night17.that phone was power off.

One night, the girl fell ill. 18.calling her parents, she dialed the new boy’s cell phone.The boy was already asleep but his cell phone was still 19..

Later the girl asked the boy, ”Why don’t you turn your cell phone off at night?”

 The boy answered “I’m afraid that if you need anything at night and aren’t able to find me, you will be worried ”.The girl finally20. the boy.

21.A.bought      B.used            C.had          D.left

22.A. meet       B.work           C.eat           D.rest

23.A.style       B.communication   C.emotion       D.habit

24.liked        B.missed           C.hated         D.needed

25.A.sleepy      B.tired             C.asleep        D.alone

26.A.remain     B.expose           C.leave         D.take

27.A.delighted   B.relieved          C.scared        D.worried

28.A.friend      B.habit             C.career        D.hobby

29.A.shut down  B.slowed down      C.broke  down  D.stepped down

30.A.see        B.feel             C.smell          D.hear

31.A.leave       B.take             C.stay          D.hold

32. A.form      B.fill              C.work          D.discount

33.A.person     B.voice            C.image         D.photo

34.A.phone     B.power           C.love           D.fan

35.A.pretended  B.agreed           C.decided        D.refused

36.A. realized   B.understood        C.remembered    D.appreciated

37.A.when      B.why             C.where         D.which

38.A.Apart from   B.As a result of     C.In place of      D.Instead of

39.A.on        B.off              C.away          D.in

40.A.left       B.married          C.visited         D.received


1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.A 18.D 19.A 20.B 【解析】略

Six persons, _____ , died in the battle.

  A.including 3 women           B.included 3 momen 

C. 3 momen including          D.3 momen were included



He spoke very slowly and clearly ______ I understood him.

  A. in order that  B. in case      C. so that           D. as if



I would appreciate ____  if you could give me a hand.

  A.that          B. /          C. one              D. it



Lucy has been ____ a job everywhere since she graduated last month.

  A. hunting for  B. picking up    C.setting up         D.waiting for



—It’s noisy.

  —The office upstairs ______ , which _______ two weeks

  A. will decorate  ,  will last     B. will be decorated , will be lasted 

C. is being decorated, will last    D. is decorating .is lasting



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