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单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 1分.满分 10 分) 1.He is as ...

单词拼写(共 10 小题;每小题 1分.满分 10 分)

1.He is as s___________ as a donkey. No one can persuade him to change his mind.

2.By the Internet, we can c_____________ with people all over the world.

3. Nowadays, many tall buildings have e___________ for people to go up and down.

4.After the war, a new g____________ was set up for that country.

5. Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r___________ him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.

6. If you spend more time reading your English, you can improve it r___________.

7. I am d__________ to change my job. No one else can change my mind.

8.Because of global warming, there are more and more natural d___________.

9. Whether you will succeed or not depends on your a__________ to it.

10.The workers made great efforts to r_________ the people who were trapped underground.


1.stubborn 2.communicate 3.elevators 4.government 5.recognize 6.rapidly  7.determined 8.disasters 9.attitude 10.rescue 【解析】略

When something goes wrong,it can be very satisfying to say,”Well, it’s so-and-so’s fault.” or “I know I’m late,but it’s not my fault;the car broke down.” It is probably not your fault,but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation,you are a loser. You have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation. However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation. This is the winner’s key to success.

Winners are great at overcoming problems. For example, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe you need to have your car examined more regularly. Or, you might start to carry along with you the useful phone numbers, so you could call for help when in need. For another example, if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability, find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the person. Ask to work with a different person, or don’t rely on the person. You should accept that the person is not reliable and find creative ways to work successfully regardless of how your colleague fails to do his job well.

This is what being a winner is all about—creatively using your skills and talents so that you are successful no matter what happens. Winners don’t have fewer problems in their lives; they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else. They are just better at seeing those problems as challenges and opportunities to develop their own talents. So, stop focusing on “whose fault it is.” Once you are confident about your power over bad situations, problems are just stepping stones for success.

1.According to the passage, winners        .

A. deal with problems rather than blame others  B. meet with fewer difficulties in their lives

C. have responsible and able colleagues        D. blame themselves rather that others

2.The underlined word remedy in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to        .

A. avoid                B. accept               C. improve                  D. consider

3. When your colleague brings about a problem, you should         .

A. blame him for his lack of responsibility     B. find a better way to handle the problem

C. tell him to find the cause of the problem     D. ask a more able colleague for help

4.When problems occur, winners take them as         

A. excuses for their failures                 B. barriers to greater power

C. challenges to their colleagues             D. chances for self-development

5.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. A Winner’s Problem.                 B. A Winner’s Secret.

C. A Winner’s Opportunity.                        D. A Winner’s Achievement.



Do you know of anyone who uses the truth to deceive (欺骗)? When someone tells you something that is true, but leaves out important information that should be included, he can give you a false picture.

   For example, some might say, “I just won a hundred dollars on the lottery (彩票). It was great. I took that dollar ticket back to the store and turned it in for one hundred dollars!”

   This guy’s a winner, right? Maybe, maybe not. We then discover that he bought $200 worth of tickets, and only one was a winner. He’s really a big loser!

   He didn’t say anything that was false, but he left out important information on purpose. That’s called a half-truth. Half-truths are not lies, but they are just as dishonest.

   Some politicians often use this trick. Let’s say that during Governor Smith’s last term, her state lost one million jobs and gained three million jobs. Then she seeks another term. One of her opponents(对手) says, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state lost one million jobs!” That’s true. However, and honest statement would have been, “During Governor Smith’s term, the state had a net gain of two million jobs.”

   Advertisers(广告商) will sometimes use half-truths. It’s against the law to make false statements so they try to mislead you with the truth. An advertisement might say, “Nine out of ten doctors advised their patients to take Yucky Pills to cure toothache.” It fails to mention that they only asked ten doctors and nine of them work for the Yucky Company.

   This kind of deception happens too often. It’s a sad fact of life: Lies are lies, and sometimes the truth can lie as well.

1.How much did the lottery winner lose?

   A. One hundred dollars.                                 B. Two hundred dollars.

   C. Three hundred dollars.                                D. Four hundred dollars.

2.We may infer (推断) that the author believes people should _______.

   A. buy lottery tickets                                              B. make use of half-truths

C. not trust anything without careful thoughts           D. not trust the Yucky Company

3. What do the underline words “net gain” in Paragraph 5 mean?

   A. big advantage.      B. large share.      C. total loss.             D. final increase.

4.What can we know from the example of the Yucky Pill advertisement?

A. False statements are easy to see through.   B. Half-truths are often used to mislead people.

C. Doctors like to act in advertisements.      D. Advertisements are based on facts.



Modern inventions have speeded up people’s loves amazingly. Motor-cars cover a hundred miles in little more than an hour, aircraft cross the world inside a day, while computers operate at lightning speed. Indeed, this love of speed seems never-ending. Every year motor-cars are produced which go even faster and each new computer boasts (吹嘘) of saving precious seconds in handling tasks.

All this saves time, but at a price. When we lose or gain half a day in speeding across the world in an airplane, our bodies tell us so.  We get the uncomfortable feeling known as jet-lag; our bodies feel that they have been left behind on another time zone. Again, spending too long at computers results in painful wrists and fingers. Mobile phones also have their dangers, according to some scientists; too much use may transmit harmful radiation into our brains, a consequence we do not like to think about.

However, what do we do with the time we have saved? Certainly not relax, or so it seems. We are so accustomed to constant activity that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing or even just one thing at a time. Perhaps the days are long gone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radio, letting imagination take us into another world.

There was a time when some people’s lives were devoted simply to the cultivation of the land or the care of cattle. No multi-tasking there; their lives went on at a much gentler pace, and in a familiar pattern. There is much that we might envy about a way of life like this. Yet before we do so, we must think of the hard tasks our ancestor faced: they farmed with bare hands, often lived close to hunger, and had to fashion tools from wood and stone. Modern machinery has freed people from that primitive existence.

1.The new products become more and more time-saving because         .

A. our love of speed seems never-ending            B. time is limited.

C. the prices are increasingly high.                 D. the manufactures boast a lot.

2. What does “the days” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Imaginary life                              B. Simple life in the past.

C. Times of inventions                          D. Time for constant activity.

3. What does the passage mainly discuss?

A. The present and past times.                   B. Machinery and human beings.

C. Modern technology and its influence.           D. Imaginations and inventions.        



When you arrive at the Shanghai Expo site, the first thing you will see is a huge red building in the ancient Chinese dougong(斗拱) architectural(建筑的) style. Built according to the concept of “Oriental Crown”, the China Pavilion(展厅) is the largest national pavilion at the Expo.

Themed “Search of the East”, the pavilion is divided into three sections. Footprint of the East on the top floor shows the change of Chinese cities; a Journey of Wisdom on the second floor, China’s four great inventions—the compass, paper, printing and gunpowder are displayed; and Blossoming(盛开的) City on the ground floor shows the scenery of future cities.

Take a lift, and you’ll be taken to the 8,500-square-meter top floor. There, in a film by Lu Chuan, you’ll see how Chinese cities have changed, especially over the past 30 years. The 10-minute movie is shown in a 600-seat theater.

The painting Along the River During Qingming Festival, is considered a national treasure. It describes life in Bianjing, which is today’s Kaifeng in Henan province. More than 1,000 years ago, it was the largest city in the world. Multimedia technology makes more than 1,500 characters of the painting walk and move along a 100-meter-long wall.

Four families are chosen from Zhejiang province to show their daily lives. Films of the families and furniture from the households are exhibited. At the pavilion, you’ll get insight into the daily lives of these families at different periods. The designers believe these will mirror the great changes Zhejiang has seen since China’s reform and opening-up policy in the late 1970s.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article?

   A. Visitors can see the China Pavilion built in a modern style.

   B. The theme of the China Pavilion is “Oriental Crown”.

   C. Visitors can get to the top floor of the China Pavilion by lift.

   D. The China Pavilion is designed by famous film director Lu Chuan.

2.If a visitor wants to enjoy the scenery of future cities, he will go to ______.

   A. the top floor       B. the second floor   C. the ground floor    D. a 600-seat theater

3.The painting Along the River During Qingming Festival in the China Pavilion is attractive and special because ______.

A. it shows what life was like in Beijing, the capital of China.   

B. it shows the development of Chinese cities.     

C. it describes what happened in history.      

D. Visitors can see more than 1,500 characters of the painting walking along a 100-meter-long wall with the help of multimedia technology.

4. What’s the main idea of the article?

   A. A brief introduction to the China Pavilion.  B. The theme of the China Pavilion.        

   C. The films of the China Pavilion.          D. The structure of the China Pavilion.



Margaret, married with two small children, has been working for the last seven years as a night cleaner, cleaning offices in a big building.

She trained as a nurse, but had to give it up when her elder child became seriously ill. “I would have liked to go back to it, but the shifts(工作班次)are all wrong for me, as I have to be home to get the children up and off to school.”

So she works as a cleaner instead, from 9 p.m. till 6 a.m. five nights a week for just £90, before tax and insurance. “It’s better than it was last year, but I still think that people who work ‘unsocial hours’ should get a bit extra.”

The hours she’s chosen to work mean that she sees plenty of the children, but very little of her husband. However, she doesn’t think that puts any pressure on their relationship.

Her work isn’t physically very hard, but it’s not exactly pleasant, either. “I do get angry with people who leave their offices like a place for raising pigs. If they realized people like me have to do it, perhaps they’d be a bit more careful.”

The fact that she’s working all night doesn’t worry Margaret at all. Unlike some dark buildings at night, the building where she works is fully lit, and the women work in groups of three. “Since I’ve got to be here, I try to enjoy myself—and I usually do, because of the other girls. We all have a good laugh, so the time never drags.”

Another challenge Margaret has to face is the reaction of other people when she tells them what she does for a living. “They think you’re a cleaner because you don’t know how to read and write,” said Margaret. “I used to think what my parents would say if they knew what I’d been doing, but I don’t think that way any more. I don’t dislike the work though I can’t say I’m mad about it.”

1.Margaret quit her job as a nurse because _______.

A. she wanted to earn more money to support her family

B. she had suffered a lot of mental pressure

C. she felt tired of taking care of patients

D. she needed the right time to look after her children

2.Margaret gets angry with people who work in the office because _______.

A. they never clean their offices                        B. they look down upon cleaners

C. they always make a mess in their offices       D. they never do their work carefully                 

3.When at work, Margaret feels _______.

A. light-hearted because of her fellow workers    B. happy because the building is fully lit

C. tired because of the heavy workload          D. bored because time passes slowly

4.The underlined part in the last paragraph implies that Margaret’s parents would _______.

A. help care for her children                           B. regret what they had said

C. show sympathy for her                                  D. feel disappointed in her



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