满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Dear Cassy, Thanks for reminding me by e...

Dear Cassy,

Thanks for reminding me by e-mail that you want to baby-sit our children. Although you are only 12 years old, my wife and I would be willing to consider your application(申请)if you can meet(满足) a few requirements:

1)Send us three letters from teachers who will prove that you have never failed to follow instructions perfectly in class and never failed to hand in your homework on time.

2)Send us a note from two doctors who will prove that you are in perfect health, have never been sick, and never will be sick.

3)Send us a document from your physical education teacher or team coach that proves that you can do each of the following: Run two miles in less than four minutes, climb an oiled rope to a height of twenty feet in thirty seconds while balancing a glass of water on your nose, and walk in bare feet over hot coals and broken glass without injury.

4)Send us notarized(得到公证的)letters from at least two mental health experts saying that you have never had an envious thought towards other people.

5)Play and defeat five expert chess players while blindfolded(蒙着眼睛)after going without sleep for 48 hours.

6)Wait patiently(耐心地)for two years while we have investigators(调查)certify(确保)that all your documents(文件)are real.

Your loving and trusting friends,

The Smiths

1.The Smiths send their message to Cassy by     .


B.a letter

C.a newspaper

D.a report

2.According to the first paragraph,       .

A.the Smiths must have had an advertisement made, saying that they want someone to look after their children

B.the Smiths have informed Cassy that they need some children

C.the Smiths have promised to provide what Cassy asked for

D.the Smiths would be very glad if Cassy can meet their requirements

3.What is the attitude of the Smiths about hiring the 12-year old girl to look after their baby?

A.The Smiths try to tell her how to baby-sit children.

B.The Smiths don’t think a girl is good for the job.

C.The Smiths don’t want to hire her.

D.The Smiths are willing to offer her the job.

4.Which of the requirements mentioned by the Smiths do you think Cassy can meet?

A.All of them

B.Half of them

C.None of them

D.Most of them


1.A 2.A 3.C 4.C 【解析】略


Mary’s parents are different from the average. While she was growing up they required her to 21. First of all she had to work around their home. Later on Mary worked for other people.

When Mary was 14 years old, her mother and father told her that they were no 22 going to buy her clothes. Sure, they would continue to buy shoes for her and also the special clothes like suits, but 23 else was her responsibility. Some people thought that they were 24, but they wanted to teach Mary some 25 lessons. One thing she learned was that nothing is cheap or 26. She learned how to deal with her money carefully. Another thing she learned was 27 to keep from wearing out(穿破)her clothes too fast.

Also, even 28 Mary went to school she was 29 to work. All through her high school and 30 years she worked as well as studied. Mary’s parents had plenty of 31 but they felt she would 32 her education more if she had to 33 it. And strange as it may seem, they had heard that students who worked part- time generally got 34 grades than students who did no work.

Now Mary is a mother herself. She requires her children to do the same 35 she did, especially working part- time as they go to school.

21.A.study                  B.play                   C.learn                   D.work

22.A.longer                 B.money                C.any                     D.hope

23.A.what                   B.that                     C.nothing              D.everything

24.A.responsible       B.lazy                   C.poor                   D.careless

25.A.difficult             B.daily                  C.valuable              D.useless

26.A.free                    B.expensive            C.useful                 D.proper

27.A.how                    B.when                  C.why                    D.where

28.A.when                  B.as                       C.until                   D.since

29.A.permitted            B.required              C.going                  D.forced

30.A.hard                   B.work                  C.happy                 D.college

31.A.time                   B.children              C.money                D.work

32.A.value                 B.have                   C.use                     D.receive

33.A.enjoy                 B.pay                     C.pay for                D.enjoy

34.A.worse                 B.better                 C.more                   D.less

35.A.as                      B.what                   C.which                 D.like



The day________ he was looking forward________ in the end.

A.when; to come

B.which; to come

C.when; to came

D.which; to came



He once studied in Zhejiang University, ________he went abroad for further study.

A.after which


C.in which




More attention should be paid __________ English.

A.to speak

B.for spoken

C.of speaking

D.to speaking



More than 60 million people in southwestern China ________the drought nowadays as a result of less rainfall, environmental damage and so on

A.are affecting

B.are being affected by

C.are being effected by

D.are effecting



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