满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The students were told to _____ their En...

The students were told to _____ their English before going abroad.

A. give up             B. polish up                C. use up           D. end up


B 【解析】略

— Do you like this coat, madam?

   — Well, it’s a bit too large. Do you have _____ one?

   A. the smaller        B. a smaller             C. a smallest       D. a small



After a five-hour drive, they reached _____ they thought was the right place _____ they      had been dreaming of.

   A. where; which               B. that; that              C. which; where        D. what; that



—John, how did your English exam go?

— I thought I _____ , but in fact I came in the top 10% in the class.

A. should have failed                                     B. might have failed

C. couldn’t have failed                                  D. mustn’t have failed



 In my opinion, women can be _____ they want to be just like men, whether it is a pilot, an astronaut, or a general manager.

   A. wherever       B. whatever         C. however       D. whoever



Jack and I _____ the driving, so the trip wasn’t too tiring.

   A. took           B. made           C. shared         D. had



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