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前不久,学校刚刚举办过校园十佳歌手大赛,该活动得到了学校领导的支持,并深受同学们的广泛欢迎。许多同学都亲自去聆听了歌手们的演唱,想必心中一定有了自己崇拜的偶像。请以The basic quality of a good singer为题,根据你对音乐及演唱技巧的理解,对此次歌手大赛做一个大体描述与总体评价。


提示词汇:Top Ten of singing competition 十佳歌手大赛 n.

Support 支持    n./v.

Be popular with 受……欢迎 v

Adore v. 崇拜

idol偶像    n.

technique/ skill 技巧 n.

Live show 现场秀

Emotion 感情n.

Melody n. 旋律

Rhythm n. 节奏


略 【解析】略



2.你越努力, 进步就越大。




1.This/It is the first time that I have _____1._____ (a letter) to a foreign ____2.___.

2.The _____3.____ you work, the greater ____4._____ you will/can make.

3.____5._____ she has made ____6._____ her mind, nothing can change it.

4.It was/is the traffic _____7._____ that (had/has)changed his attitude _____8._____ life.

5. The headmaster outside the classroom ______9.______ to see/notice him while he was _____10.______ in the exam/examination.




1.It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c___________ down myself.

2.Parents are always c_____________ much about their children.

3.I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________.

4.It took her a long while to r___________ from her heart operation.

5.The children played ____________ (在户外)until it started to rain.

6.After the war, a new g_______________ was set up for that country.

7.The people p__________ at the meeting were all for the suggestion.

8.The ball went in the d_______________ of the man sitting in a boat on the river.

9.At the party a foreign teacher was r______________(要求) to sing some folk songs.

10.He was a young sailor on his first sea v______________.

11.The mother i_________ that he finish his homework first, which made his son very angry.

12.Whether you will succeed or not in doing the work depends on your a________ to it.

13.This song sounds f_____________ to me. I must have heard it sung somewhere before.

14.She ________________ (毕业)from Peking University last year.

15.The speech contest was o______________ well.

16.When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident, she b_______ into tears.

17.After the earthquake, the whole city was in r_________.

18.J_______ from his accent, we know he comes from the west.

19.Prices have _____________ (上涨) quickly.

20.The building was completely ______________(摧毁) by fire.



On November 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln went to Gettysburg to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery(公墓). The Civil War was still going on. There was much criticism (批评) of President Lincoln at the time. He had been invited to speak at Gettysburg only out of politeness. The other speaker was to be Edward Everett, a famous statesman (政治家) and speaker of the day. Everett was a handsome man and very popular everywhere.

It is said that Lincoln prepared his speech on the train while going to Gettysburg. Later that night, alone in his hotel room and tired out, he again worked briefly on the speech. The next day Everett spoke first. His speech lasted an hour and 57 minutes and it was a perfect example of the day. Then Lincoln rose. The crowd of 15,000 people at first paid little attention to him. He spoke for only nine minutes. At the end there was little applause(掌声). Lincoln turned to a friend and said, “I have failed again.”

Some newspapers at first criticized (批评) the speech. But little by little, as people read the speech, they began to like its simplicity(简洁)and its deep meaning. It was a speech which only Abraham Lincoln could have made.

Now everyone thinks of it as one of the greatest speeches ever given in American history.

1. In 1863, Abraham Lincoln was __________________ in Gettysburg.

A.warmly welcomed


C.greatly praised

D.very polite

2.Lincoln was invited to speak at the National Soldiers Cemetery because he was __________.

A.a famous speaker of the day

B.very handsome and polite

C.President of the United States at the time

D.a popular statesman

3. It can be inferred from the text that __________________________________.

A.Lincoln had prepared his speech very carefully before he went to Gettysburg

B.Lincoln was very busy at the time and didn’t have much time to prepare his speech

C.Lincoln’s speech seemed to be a failure for the first time

D.Lincoln’s speech was a little shorter than Everett’s one

4.Lincoln’s speech was __________________.

A.an immediate success

B.not accepted at all

C.a total failure

D.not well-received at first

5.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A.Lincoln’s speech has deep meaning though it is simple in style.

B.Neither Lincoln’s speech nor Everett’s was popular then.

C.Lincoln’s speech proved to be a great success later.

D.Everett’s speech was thought to be perfect at that time.



★Money and Happiness★

A Guide to Living the Good Life

Author: Laura Rowley

Publisher: Wiley (March 1, 2008)

Laura Rowley helps us all understand the money-happiness connection in our own lives so that we spend our time and efforts wisely. She offers insights that every reader can use to make smarter decisions that will lead to living a rich life in every possible definition of the term.


The Science Behind Your Smile

Author: Daniel Nettle

Publisher: Oxford University Press (July 1, 2008)

This is the first book to look thoroughly at what happiness is and how it works. Nettle examines whether people are basically happy or unhappy, whether success can make us happy, why some people are happier than others, and much more.

★The Happiness Makeover★

How to Teach Yourself to Be Happy and Enjoy Every Day

Author: M. J. Ryan

Publisher: Broadway (May 10, 2008)

Ryan’s own desire to be happier first led her to study what is known about happiness from brain science, psychology, and the wisdom traditions of the world. The Happiness Makeover draws on this wide-ranging knowledge and presents a plan that will help you:

Clear away happiness problems like worry, fear, envy, and dislikes.

Learn to think confidently.

Find daily ways to truly enjoy, even relish, the moments of your life.

★Health and Happiness★

Hormones and Qualities Llives

Author: Steven F. Hotze

Publisher: Forrest Publishing (April, 2008)

Dr Steven Hotze is leading a wellness revolution that advances a new model of healthcare. Unlike the popular medical way of treating individual symptoms(症状) with the familiar “anti” drugs, Dr Hotze deals with the basic causes of poor health.

In Hormones, Health, and Happiness you are shown how to reach and keep the best body functioning.

Based on a process of biologically the same hormones(荷尔蒙) and other natural treatments, it can help you enjoy a better quality of life.

1. According to the passage, which of the following books was the first to come out?

A.A Guide to Living the Good Life

B.Hormones and Qualities Lives

C.How to Teach Yourself to Be Happy and Enjoy Every Day

D.The Science Behind Your Smile

2. If you want to know more about whether happiness has something to do with success, you should turn to _________________________________.

A.Money and Happiness


C.The Happiness Makeover

D.Health and Happiness

3. Whose model will possibly help readers obtain health and wellness naturally?

A.Laura Rowley’s.

B.M. J. Ryan’s.

C.Daniel Nettle’s.

D.Steven F. Hotze’s.

4. Which is the best title for the passage?

A.What Is Happiness?

B.Recent Books on Happiness

C.Money and Happiness

D.How to Keep Yourself Happy



Dear Editor,

I’m now busy in preparing for the Postgraduate (研究生) Entrance Exam. A few days ago, I happened to see some new guidebooks for those who want to take next year’s exam. With too many hopes and without taking it into too much consideration, I bought several that were written by some known for helping candidates (应试者) for master’s degrees.

What made me really angry was the starting discovery that the contents of those books were almost exactly the same as some I had bought before. There were only superficial (外表的) changes in their covers, with more attractive new titles and better designs. The contents were the same.

People say that the publishing industry is in a state of chaos (混乱) these days but I used to be doubtful abut that. I was of the opinion that only people of noble character, prestige (威望), and exceptional talent would produce books for higher education. But these editors are caring little about their readers.

I hope that authors and publishing houses will be more responsible for their readers. Don’t destroy the image that you have with your readers.

1.The writer bought some guidebooks in order to ___________________________.

A.write an essay on guidebooks

B.prepare for the entrance exam

C.give his students a lecture

D.send them to his good friends

2.The writer was angry because _________________________________________.

A.there were a lot of printing mistakes in the books that he had bought

B.the books were so expensive that he couldn’t afford any of them

C.he found the books he had bought were thin but of poor quality

D.the books had the same contents as what he had bought before

3. In the writer’s opinion, publishers should be _____________________________.







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