满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

For each blank in the following passage ...

For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

My friend had mentioned that her father had a lot of children’s toys that he was looking to give away. She knew I had a three-year-old daughter so she thought of me first. I told her I would 36   it if I could get some nice things for my daughter, which I wouldn’t otherwise have been able

to  37  .

When I met her father, he began to explain that he was 38   once too and that he would hate to  39   things that could be very 40  . At first, he thought of taking everything to the Salvation Army but then he  41  to see if anyone he knew could use them first.

  When he was  42  me around, I saw a bed, a slide(滑板),a kitchen set and many other things that made me surprised. As my eyes were wide and beginning to tear up a bit, he told me not to feel guilty. He said I was  43  him by getting rid of them.

  As I was looking around, I did feel guilty, but I tried to remain more grateful than guilty because he told me to. Every time I tried to  44  him for giving my daughter all these  45  things, he would thank me right back and was grateful that these toys would be put to good use.

  So, sometimes when we are helped by others, the others that helped us are helped as a side –effect. In the  46  of charity , it makes sense to feel grateful, but guilt is just as normal, I know we could have lived without a slide, which is why I do feel guilty, but I am grateful all the same because my daughter  47  enjoys all these nice things!

1.A. wear                     B. repair                C. appreciate       D. check

2.A. believe           B. afford            C. see                    D. spare

3.A. handsome       B. young            C. poor                 D. healthy

4.A. throw away    B. hand out            C. add up                  D. pick out

5.A. suitable          B. expensive          C. useful            D. dangerous

6.A. continued              B. forgot            C. had                   D. decided

7.A. driving           B. showing            C. turning              D. sending

8.A. helping          B. saving            C. troubling           D. guiding

9.A. praise             B. move                C. call                   D. thank

10.A. wonderful     B. cheap                C. strange              D. foreign

11.A. habit                   B. end                   C. eyes                  D. corners

12.A. sadly            B. hardly            C. secretly             D. really


1.C 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.D 10.C 11.C 12.D 【解析】略

Unfortunately when we arrived she ___, So we only had time for a few words.

   A. just left        B. has just left        C. was just leaving        D. had just left



---Where is mother?

   ---She is in the kitchen. She ___ the dinner for the party the whole afternoon.

   A. is preparing         B. was preparing           C. has preparing            D. has been preparing



 The students _______ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _______ in the office.

A. had written; left      B. were writing; has left 

C. had written; had left   D. were writing; had left



The building which _____ now will be our science laboratory.

   A. is being built              B. will be built              C. is built              D. has been built



---What bad weather! It’s raining all these days.

   ---Yes, the river has _____ two feet.

   A. risen            B. lifted         C. grown        D. raised



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