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完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从...



When I was a kid, I got interested in astronomy(天文学). I used to __21__ how big the universe might be and what are “ __22__ ” the stars. But as I grew up, I hardly had any time to __23 __ my hobby because of too much work. In 2007 I found an astronomy magazine and got attracted to astronomy again. However, I didn’t have much time for my __24__ . Many times I would like to observe an object in the night sky, but I was either too __25__ or busy working, or I had to look after my kids. So I __26 _ them to observe the stars together with me and I even read kids’ astronomy books to them. By having a common hobby we spent time together and we all found it __27__ .

While reading astronomy books, I figure out how many interesting things there are outside of this planet. I __28__ that the information opens a door to a huge world of interesting things.

I enjoy astronomy as a hobby and I recommend it to everyone. Just __29  _you and your family sitting together watching the stars and talking in the __30__ on a summer night! How cool it will be!

21. A. teach            B. wonder              C. discuss                     D. find

22. A. near            B. over                 C. below                        D. behind

23. A. develop          B. meet                C. tell                             D. stop  

24. A. exams           B. magazines            C. hobby                     D. music

25. A. tired            B. excited                C. curious                     D. puzzled

26. A. ordered          B. advised              C. begged                         D. encouraged

27. A. necessary        B. interesting                  C. boring                     D. useful 

28. A. realize           B. remember           C. admit                             D. expect 

29. A. consider         B. remind                     C. imagine                           D. support

30. A. library          B. cafe                C. playground                   D. yard


21-25BDACA 26-30DBACD 【解析】略


根据以下提示以How Li Ming keeps Healthy? (李明是怎样保持健康的?)为题写一篇100词左右的短文。

提示:1  保持健康很重要。




5   可适当增加细节。





Good evening. Today Mr. Johnson, a member of the International Olympic Committee visited a high school in Beijing.61. 在演讲时,他描述了古代奥运会 and gave examples of some of the sports that still continue today. Athletes at the ancient games could only be men who spoke Greek, 62. 但是如今全世界各地的男女选手都能参加比赛了。The modern games, first held in 1896, were designed to make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully together. 63. 约翰逊先生还谈到一些著名的运动员 who have made Olympic history. He stated that Olympians had brought joy to people across the world with their attempts to push the limits of human achievements. 64. One example is Michael Jordan who won his second Olympic gold medal after a long break. Mr. Johnson also mentioned Deng Yaping, 65. She won many gold medals as an Olympian before retiring.

Mr. Johnson ended his speech by wishing the Olympic movement a successful future to match its golorious past. The audience really enjoyed his speech.


62 __________________________________________________________        








Do you have a goal for life? What's it? Do you want to become a writer, singer or just become a rich person?

A recent survey shows that in modern society, most people pick up practical goals, such as “earning money to buy a house and a car”, “to improve one's life quality”, “finding a good job”.

Wang You worked in a small firm (商行) in Nanjing. The job was good and he didn't have to work for extra hours. However, he felt the work was not exciting at all and the life was boring. So he gave up his job and went to Beijing in February, 2007. When he arrived in Beijing, he set his new goal as finding a good job.

Nowadays more and more people want to live a better life. This fact shows that the society is making progress and people's life goals have become more practical. One researcher says, “Everybody has his/her own life goal, which will be surely different from people to people. If one is poor, one's life goal will be to earn more money; if one doesn't have a diploma, studying hard to get a diploma will become his life goal; and if one doesn't have love, his life goal will be to look for it. But if one has no life goal, he will idle away (虚度) his lifetime. {007}”

58. What will a poor man’s life goal be according to this passage? ( 回答词数不超过4个)


59.  Why does the writer mention Wang You?     ( 回答词数不超过12个)


60.  Give a short title for this article. (回答词数不超过6个)







The United States provides more than half the world’s food aid. American programs gave about two billion dollars last year.

But critics say the current system wastes money and delays the arrival of needed food. Under current law, United States government agencies have to buy Am {007}erican-produced food. And 75% of the aid must be carried on American ships.

President of the USA wants to change the system. His plan would provide food aid by buying crops directly from farmers in the developing world. Money in the form of cash would make up about 25% of the aid. The president is calling on Congress(国会) to support the agriculture in developing countries.

Changing of World’s food aid system in USA

Current system

A waste of 53        .

Food doesn’t arrive on time.

Food must be bought from 54._____________

55________ of the aid must be carried on American ships.

New system

Crops will be 56_______ directly from farmers in the developing world.

25% of food aid will be paid 57_________



Where to stay in Boswell? The following are some choices for you:

First Hotel. 222 Edward Road. Tel. 414-6433. Number of Rooms: 120.

Price:  Single: $ 25; Doulbe $ 35;

Special attractions: {007} Airconditioned rooms, French restaurant, Night club, Swimming pool, Shops; Coffee shop and bar, Telephone, Radio and TV in each room, close to the city center.


Fairview Hotel. 129 North Road. Tel. 591-5620. Number of Rooms: 50.

Price:   Single:$ 12; Double: $ 18;

Special Attractions: Close to the airport, Telephone in each room, Bar, Restaurant, Garage, Swimming-pool.


Orchard Hotel. 233 Edward Road. Tel.641-6641. Number of Rooms: 150.

Price:   Single: $ 15;  Double: $ 20;

Special Attractions: Facing First Hotel, European restaurant, Coffee shop, Dry-cleaning, Shops, TV, Night-club.


Osaka Hotel. 1264 Venning Road. Tel. 643-8206. Number of Rooms: 180.

Price:    Single: $ 30;  Double: $ 50.

Special Attractions: Air-Conditioned rooms, Japanese and Chinese restaurant, Shops, Swimming pool, Large garden.


49.  The number of the room in Osaka Hotel is :

A.  50                         B.  120                C.  150                D.  180

50.  If a Japanese traveller likes to eat in French restaurant, _______ is the right place for him to go to.

A.  233 Edward Road                            B.  1264 Venning Road

C.  222 Edward Road                                  D.  129 North Road

51.  Which hotel faces the Orchard Hotel?

A.  The First Hotel                         B.  The Osaka Hotel                         

C.  The Fairview Hotel                         D.  No Hotel

52.  If you want to book a cheapest single room, which number will you call?

A.  414-6433               B.  591-5620        C.  641-6641        D.  643-8206



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