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Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821, ...

Napoleon Bonaparte died on May 5, 1821, on the island of St. Helena off the coast of Africa. He was 51 years old at the time. When doctors examined Napoleon’s body, they said that the former emperor of France had died from cancer of the stomach. That was the cause of death recorded in the official report. However, other doctors disagreed. One doctor who was present during the examination of the body said that Napoleon died of hepatitis. Other historians and medical experts have suggested that Napoleon died of syphilis, tuberculosis, or perhaps malaria. Now, after careful research, a British chemist thinks that Napoleon might have been poisoned -- not by a person, but by his wallpaper.

Napoleon was sent to the island of St. Helena in 1815 after he lost the battle of Waterloo. He was a prisoner on the island. Although he had servants to attend to him, he had to live in one small building. St. Helena is a very wet island, so the walls of the building were always covered with mold. Napoleon became ill from spending too much time inside his house. Almost constantly he had a fever, chills, and felt sick to his stomach. He often felt pain in his shoulders and in his side. His skin turned yellow. He got frequent headaches, and he would become dizzy and vomit(吐). None of the medicine that the doctors gave Napoleon seemed to help. They were not sure what was the matter. Finally, Napoleon was too weak to leave the house. One night, while he was sleeping, he went into a coma and died.

Many doctors who later reviewed the reports of Napoleon’s illness found that the symptoms(症状) did not show a man who suffered from stomach cancer. It seemed obvious that Napoleon had died from some other cause. In 1961, a Swedish doctor examined some of Napoleon’s hair and found a high level of arsenic, a chemical poison. Was Napoleon murdered? It is doubtful. Arsenic was used in many types of medicine during Napoleon’s time, so he might have taken the arsenic as a cure for his illness. Then, in 1982, Dr. David Jones from England began to look into the mystery and suggested that Napoleon might have breathed in arsenic which was in the air of his house. In the 1700s and 1800s, arsenic was used to make a kind of green paint used on cloth and wallpaper. If the paint was used on a wet wall, the arsenic would go into the air. A person in the room might breathe that air. After studying the wallpaper in the room where Napoleon died, Dr. Jones found high levels of arsenic in the green paint on the walls.

1.Why did Napoleon live on St. Helena?

A.He owned the island.

B.He was a prisoner there.

C.His family lived there.

D.He liked the island.

2.The official report said that Napoleon died of____________.


B.a coma

C. mold


3.Napoleon suffered from the following symptoms except __________.

A. chills      B. fever      C  dizziness     D. bleeding

4.According to Dr. Jones, how did the arsenic probably get into Napoleon’s body?

A.He drank it..

B.He touched it.

C.He breathed it in.

D.He ate it

5.The passage says that                      .

A.a British doctor thinks he has found the cause of Napoleon’s death

B.many doctors have tried to guess the cause of Napoleon's death

C.Napoleon could have died from poison

D.all of the above


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.D 【解析】略

There is a brown female(母的) Canadian duck that weighs only four hundred fifty grams. The duck had flown to the southern state of Florida for the winter.A hunter shot it on January fifteenth and  took it to his home in the city of Tallahassee.He put it in the refrigerator(冰箱).Two days later the man’s wife opened the refrigerator door.The duck lifted its head and looked at her.It was alive!

The family took the duck to a doctor who treats animals.The doctor gave the duck to the Goose Creek Animal Sanctuary(动物保护区).Animal sanctuaries provide homes for animals and teach people about their care.

The doctor said it was easy to understand why people thought the duck was dead. He said ducks generally do not move a 1ot,especially after being shot.And he said its low body temperature helped it survive in the refrigerator.

That was enough to make the duck famous around the world.The Tallahassee newspaper published the story that was re-printed in many different countries.But that was not the end of the story.

Workers at the wildlife sanctuary named the duck Perky.And they got the doctor to give an operation to repair the duck’s damaged wing.During the operation,Perky stopped breathing--not just once but two times.The doctor tried to save Perky by giving her oxygen.But he finally said the duck had died.A few seconds later, however, Perky began to move.Reports say the people in the operating room were so happy that they cried.

Workers at the wildlife sanctuary say Perky will not have any more operations. It seems the drugs that were used had side-effects on her.Perky is expected to live at the sanctuary.And a local company has begun to sell T-shirts showing a picture of the lucky duck. Money from the sale of the shirts will help pay for Perky’s care.

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.Animal sanctuaries are homes specially for wounded animals.

B.The hunter shot the duck in the wing.

C.Ducks do not move at all for the whole winter.

D.The hunter’s wife intended to free the duck in the refrigerator.

2.The underlined Word “That” in the fourth paragraph refers to the fact that______.

A.the duck survived the shot and the cold in the refrigerator

B.the hunter had saved the duck by freezing it

C.the hunter shot the duck from Canada

D.the Tallahassee newspaper published the story

3.The duck in the story______.

A.was big and strong

B.flew to Florida for food

C.stayed in the refrigerator to keep its body temperature low

D.was considered dead before being put in the refrigerator

4.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Save the Duck

B.The Lucky Duck

C.Stop Killing Ducks

D.The Poor Duck

5.It can be inferred from the passage that_______.

A.the local company will get large profits by selling the T-shirts

B.it was illegal for me hunter to shoot the duck

C.the duck is likely to be well cared for in the sanctuary

D.Perky likes Florida better than Canada




Traditional Chinese culture places much emphasis(重视)on food. Considered to be an important part of each day,  __31 __(eat) is far beyond simply meeting a need. However, people are living in fast-paced society now, so they hardly have time to enjoy their food. They need fast food. That is _32_ China’s fast-food market expands.

A foreign fast-food restaurant __33__(call)KFC arrived in China first, quickly followed by _34_ such as Pizza Hut and McDonald’s. __35__ the development of China, foreign fast-food chains are realizing high-speed __36__ (grow) in China. However, these “junk foods” have long been criticized by health experts because __37__ can’t provide balanced nutrition(营养). The experts also show that some foreign fast food contains a food colouring, Sudan I , __38___can cause cancer.

In fact, China has many of its own traditional fast-food dishes. Among them, dumplings, soybean milk and noodles are __39__ most popular. Compared with foreign fast food, those traditional ones are healthier. __40__ many Chinese still enjoy the special taste and the good environment in the foreign fast-food chains even though there exist some potential(潜在的)risks.





When I was a kid, I got interested in astronomy(天文学). I used to __21__ how big the universe might be and what are “ __22__ ” the stars. But as I grew up, I hardly had any time to __23 __ my hobby because of too much work. In 2007 I found an astronomy magazine and got attracted to astronomy again. However, I didn’t have much time for my __24__ . Many times I would like to observe an object in the night sky, but I was either too __25__ or busy working, or I had to look after my kids. So I __26 _ them to observe the stars together with me and I even read kids’ astronomy books to them. By having a common hobby we spent time together and we all found it __27__ .

While reading astronomy books, I figure out how many interesting things there are outside of this planet. I __28__ that the information opens a door to a huge world of interesting things.

I enjoy astronomy as a hobby and I recommend it to everyone. Just __29  _you and your family sitting together watching the stars and talking in the __30__ on a summer night! How cool it will be!

21. A. teach            B. wonder              C. discuss                     D. find

22. A. near            B. over                 C. below                        D. behind

23. A. develop          B. meet                C. tell                             D. stop  

24. A. exams           B. magazines            C. hobby                     D. music

25. A. tired            B. excited                C. curious                     D. puzzled

26. A. ordered          B. advised              C. begged                         D. encouraged

27. A. necessary        B. interesting                  C. boring                     D. useful 

28. A. realize           B. remember           C. admit                             D. expect 

29. A. consider         B. remind                     C. imagine                           D. support

30. A. library          B. cafe                C. playground                   D. yard




根据以下提示以How Li Ming keeps Healthy? (李明是怎样保持健康的?)为题写一篇100词左右的短文。

提示:1  保持健康很重要。




5   可适当增加细节。





Good evening. Today Mr. Johnson, a member of the International Olympic Committee visited a high school in Beijing.61. 在演讲时,他描述了古代奥运会 and gave examples of some of the sports that still continue today. Athletes at the ancient games could only be men who spoke Greek, 62. 但是如今全世界各地的男女选手都能参加比赛了。The modern games, first held in 1896, were designed to make it possible for countries and people to live peacefully together. 63. 约翰逊先生还谈到一些著名的运动员 who have made Olympic history. He stated that Olympians had brought joy to people across the world with their attempts to push the limits of human achievements. 64. One example is Michael Jordan who won his second Olympic gold medal after a long break. Mr. Johnson also mentioned Deng Yaping, 65. She won many gold medals as an Olympian before retiring.

Mr. Johnson ended his speech by wishing the Olympic movement a successful future to match its golorious past. The audience really enjoyed his speech.


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