满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

At ______ games in Johannesburg, South ...

 At ______ games in Johannesburg, South Africa, the North Korean team, which returned to ______ World Cup after 44 years, lost in ______ close-scoring game, 1-2, to the Brazilians.

A. the; the; a          B. /; /; the             C. /; the; the                D. the; /; a


A 【解析】略












要求: 1. 字数120左右;

2.参考词汇:家教tutor;   学费 tuition;   零工a part-time job

拓宽视野  broaden their outlook

According to a recent survey,                                              










I am always interesting in traveling. My reasons are                         76._____

quite simple and clear . If anybody is not satisfied to my                  77._____

viewpoint, I shall greatly surprised at his ways of thinking         78._____

In the first place, traveling increase our knowledge.                 79._____

Only by traveling can we see thing outside our hometown.               80.______

In the second place, traveling is good to my health.                          81.______

While traveling, we can breathe to fresh air  ,                                  82.______

take exercise and strengthening our bodies as well .                  83_______

In a word , I sincere hope everybody can grasp                               84.______

the opportunity of traveling and have a good time .                         85.______



Bean and other seed shoots are also known as sprouts (新芽). The dry bean seeds contain a store of nutrients just waiting to be released when they sprout. Under the right conditions they will germinate (发芽)。 As they grow, the food value of the seeds is multiplied into vitamins, minerals (矿物质) and other nutrients. This happens almost overnight!

It is easy to grow your own sprouts, but you need to buy your seeds from supermarkets or health food stores. Seeds for planting in the garden are often powdered with chemicals, so when becoming sprouts they are not safe to eat.

Try growing sprouts from a variety of beans and seeds. You will find different sprouts at different stages. Bean sprouts are best when they are about three centimeters long. Wheat and sunflower sprouts taste best when the sprouts and the seeds are of the same length. If the sunflower sprout is too long it leaves a funny stinging feeling in the throat after eating. Alfalfa sprouts are best when their small leaves are well developed. Pea and soybean sprouts are good long or short.

If you leave your sprouts in filtered sunlight for a few hours, the leaves will turn green as chlorophyll (叶绿素) is added. Eating sprouts with green leaves benefits your blood, cells, and the digestive system.

1.Which of the following sprouts taste good whether they are long or short?

A.Soybean sprouts

B.Sunflower sprouts

C.Alfalfa sprouts

D.Wheat sprouts

2.As sprouts grow, the food value of the seeds will_____.



C.remain the same


3.From the passage we know that______.

A.Long sunflower sprouts taste better than short ones

B.Eating too long sunflower sprouts will make you feel uncomfortable in the throat

C.Eating sprouts with green leaves will be harmful to your health

D.It takes a long time for the food value of the seeds to multiply

4.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Sprouts of seeds for planting in the garden may not be safe to eat.

B.Alfalfa sprouts taste best when their small leaves are more fully grown.

C.All sprouts taste best during the early stage of their growth.

D.Sunlight will make the leaves of sprouts green.



It has been said that Lincoln was always ready to join in a laugh at himself. There is one particular story that he always told with great delight.

In his early days as a lawyer, Lincoln went from town to town to hear and judge legal(法律的)cases. During one of these trips, he was sitting in a train when a strange man came up to him. The stranger looked at the tall clumsy(笨拙的)lawyer and said that he had something he believed belonging to Lincoln. Lincoln was a bit puzzled. He had never seen the man before. He didn’t see how a total stranger could have something of his. Lincoln asked how this could be. The stranger pulled out a penknife and began to explain. Many years before, he had been given the pocketknife. He had been told to keep it until he was able to find a man uglier than himself.

Lincoln’s eyes always sparked when he reached this part of the story. The story always brought smiles to the faces of those who heard it. The tale itself was funny. But even more delightful was the fact that a man as great as Lincoln could still laugh at himself.

1.This passage is about        .

A.a stranger and his strange knife

B.Lincoln’s favorite story

C.meeting stranger in a train

D.Lincoln’s favorite penknife

2.From the story we can infer that the stranger in the train         

A.liked to make friends

B.liked to tell jokes

C.collected penknives

D.was not handsome

3.Lincoln was given the pocketknife for        

A.his appearance

B.a good laugh

C.being a lawyer

D.being good-humored

4.Which of the following statements is right?

A.Lincoln, even though great, was not proud.

B.Lincoln was a great and proud man.

C.Lincoln lacked self-respect.

D.Lincoln had a good sense of humor.

5. What does the word “sparked” in the last paragraph mean?







A new law helps people with disabilities. The law says that people with disabilities must be able to get into and out of all public buildings. It also says that business must offer special services to people who have special needs. Companies can not refuse to hire disabled workers. Many businesses may have to change their buildings and services.

—Ramps (坡道) must be built so people can get into buildings.

—Movie theatres must have space for people in wheelchairs and seats for their friends to sit near them.

—Elevators (电梯) must have floor number in Braille.

This law will help millions of people. One woman who has been in a wheelchair for many years said,“It is like a dream.”

1.According to the passage we can see that     .

A.it will be difficult for the normal persons to get into the public buildings

B.the buildings of all the businesses will have to be changed

C.Most businesses used to offer special services to people who have special needs

D.it was difficult for the disabled workers to find jobs in the past

2. Ramps can help people     .

A.with hearing problems

B.who have difficulty in using their hands

C.who have difficulty in using their legs or feet

D.who dont like stairs

3.The fact that the new law has been passed shows that______.

A.the government has paid no attention to the disabilities

B.the government wants to help these disabilities

C.normal people show mercy to the disabilities

D.companies will hire millions of disabled people



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