满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

请你根据自己对课文Unit 3“A Master of Nonverbal Hu...

请你根据自己对课文Unit 3“A Master of Nonverbal Humor”的理解及感受,写一篇题为“Why We Need Humor in Our Life”的短文。




4. -(你的观点)-----


Why We Need Humor in Our Life?


Why We Need Humor in Our Life We badly need humor in our life. There are various reasons. Firstly, life is faster than we can imagine. We are always busy with endless work. Therefore, it is important for us to set ourselves free from hard work for a while. Humor can help relieve us of such pressure. Secondly, humor can make people laugh and feel happy. It makes you attractive and people will never feel dull together with you. Thirdly, humor can always keep you in high spirit, which will do good to both your mental and physical health. Humor changes the color of the whole world before you. Fourthly, humor makes people laugh at a time when they feel depressed so they can feel more content with their lives. What’s more, humor can be a most effective means of dealing with difficult situations. Humor is the best medicine in life. In a word, humor is very important to all of us. Let’s fully enjoy humor in our lives. 【解析】略


Body language is used by people for sending messages to one another. In many

countries in the world, people k____ each other when they meet.    101.______

In Britain, people usually shake________ when they meet some one 102.______

for the first time. They are not comfortable touching______(陌生人) 103.______

French people kiss each other ______ and goodbye on the        104._______

______(脸颊)more often than the British people. People from     105._______

Arabian countries stand ______ than people from Britain         106._______

when they are talking. They might move very close to you

as you i_______ yourself to them. Body language              107._______

is very_______(广泛的) and not all members of a culture        108._______

b_______the same way. Using body language in a correct way    109._______

will help you to better c_________ with other people.           110._______




make;  depress ; be modeled after ;  affect ; nor ; approach ;

in advance; in search of ; worthwhile ; prefer ; devote; 

astonish ; be intended for; thanks to


91.I looked carefully at the text and realized that it _________ women in the countryside.

92.I discovered that she had ________ her whole life to her patients and had chosen not to have a family of her own.

93.You may find it ________ that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.

94.He made people laugh at a time when they felt _____, so they could feel more content with their lives.

95.Tony _________Julia, touched her shoulder and kissed her on the cheek.

96.The amazing, up-to-date information together with many opportunities for hands-on learning ______ the world come to life in a completely new way for visitors.

97.Every area of the park ______  life in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.

98.All cultures don’t greet each other the same way, ______ are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.

99.Like so many others, the little tramp and his friend have rushed there _______ gold, but without success

100.He_______ to stay alone rather than gossip with his co-workers in his spare time.



In doing scientific experiments one must be _______ careful with the instruments.

A.other than

B.rather than

C.less than

D.more than



She _______ to the waiter whose language isn’t ______ hers to bring some more coffee.

A.gestured; similar to

B.postured; familiar to

C.explained; the same as

D.told; popular with



As to the subject, we have consulted the most _______ professor who gave us _______ explanation.

A.learning; content

B.learned; contented

C.learnt; contented

D.learn; content



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