满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Your father likes to play golf. He’s rea...

Your father likes to play golf. He’s really enthusiastic ________ it.

A. by         B. about   C. with     D. on


B 【解析】略

— Why don’t you want to travel abroad?

— Because it becomes ________ expensive ________ before.

A. not so much; as   B. as much; as C. much more; than         D. much less; than



The ________ moment they had looked forward to ________ finally.

A. excited; came      B. exciting; coming  C. excited; coming   D. exciting; came



Who else except a millionaire could ________ to use such an expensive car?

A. pay       B. spend  C. buy       D. afford



Jack ______ the bus as soon as it stopped; and then to his joy he met an old friend of his on that bus.

A. got on  B. got into        C. got off D. got out of



I know I didn’t forget ________ my camera with me because I clearly remember ________ it in my bag.

A. taking; to put                B. to take; to put    

C. to have taken; putting         D. to take; putting



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