满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

21.—The earthquake has killed over two t...

21.—The earthquake has killed over two thousand people in Yushu.


A. OK                                  B. Certainly                      C. I agree                          D. That’s the case


D 【解析】略

21.—Alex has lost his job.

—________? As far as I know, he is devoted to his work.

A. What for                       B. So what                        C. How’s that                  D. How come



21.When chatting with a stranger on the Internet, bear in mind______ he could be anybody, for you can’t see him _________.

A. that; in particular      B. that; in person           C. what; in detail            D. \ ; in public



21.—You must apologize to Rebecca for being so rude, Sam.

—Why ________ I say sorry? It’s she ________ said insulting words first.

A. should; who                 B. must; whom               C. can; that                      D. will; who



21.All parents are willing to risk ________ their lives to save ________ of their children when a disaster is approaching.

A. losing; that                  B. to lose; those             C. losing; those               D. having lost; the ones



21.________ people are concerned about now is the Shanghai World Expo, which ________ start on May 1st.

A. What; is due to                                                       B. Which; is going to     

C. That; is to                                                                D. What; is about to



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