满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It’s an old photo of my childhood that I...

It’s an old photo of my childhood that I _______ when I was looking for my ID card the other day.

A.came into

B.came about

C.came across

D.came out



C 【解析】略

The traffic rule says young children under the age of five and _______ less than 25 kilograms must be in a child safety seat.

A.being weighed

B.to weigh






 Some pupils are often scared _______ some money in the corner of the streets by a few young men.

A.to offer

B.into offering

C.to be offered

D.to be offering




假设你叫李华,你的澳大利亚朋友 Peter 来信谈了他最喜爱的体育运动,并希望了解中国人喜爱的体育运动。请根据以下提示用英语写一封回信。要点如下:

感谢Peter 的来信;


运动形式多种多样:老年人早上练气功 (Qigong); 中年人晚上跳舞;青年人游泳、滑冰等;






I sometimes argue with my mother about if I can watch TV after school. She holds the

view which Senior students have to devote all their time to work hard at their lessons. It

seems to me that once I allowed to do that, I’ll be unable to control me and forget all about

my study .She also thinks it is bad for my eye. Actually I quite understand her, but I really

couldn’t accept her ideas. In my opinion, watch TV can set my mind at rest after a day’s hard

work .Besides, it is important for us to know what have happened at home and at abroad.

Thus, we shouldn’t be forbidden to watch TV.




71. 如果你想知道如何翻译这个句子,你最好查字典。

If you want to know how to translate this sentence, you had better ______  ______ a dictionary.

72. 努力提高工人的工作条件是值得做的事情。

It is _______ to_______ working _______ for factory workers.

73. 很明显,他在尽力屏住呼吸。

It was _______ that he was trying to ______ his ______.

74. 他已经负债很久。对他来说,如何谋生成了个大问题。

He has been ______ ______ for a long time. How to earn ______ _______   is a big problem.

75. 既然我们已经完成了设计,就该轮到公司进行建设了。

_______ _______ we have finished the design, the company in its turn, will do the _______.

76. 她的衣着和行为证实了我的猜想——她确实很富有。

Her clothes and behavior _______ my guess ______ she was quite wealthy.

77. 使用过多的化肥导致了严重的问题。

_______ too much chemical fertilizer ______ ______ serious problems.



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