满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I _______ my shopping list, I found...

When I _______ my shopping list, I found I’d forgotten to buy pork and eggs.






A 【解析】略

It rained continuously for a week, completely _______ our holiday.














Eating disorder is very common now. "When I first wrote about this. the problem was pretty much hidden … I didn't expect it to get as bad as it is." Susie Orbach, an international authority on eating disorders, said.

Orbach must at times think the anti-diet message of her book “fat is a Feminist Issue(女权主义问题)”has been lost since it was written more than 20 years ago.

Girls, boys, old people --  even the famously well-rounded female population of Fiji are falling victims(牺牲品) to fat fear.   

"If anything, the situation has got much, much worse. We now have kids as young as eight and women in old people's homes worried about the way they look." Orbach said.

Even though it has been proved that repeated dieting results in a little more than regaining most of the lost weight, constant dieting has become a way of life for many women. 48 per cent of British women aged 25 to 35 were on some kind of diet and 20 per cent of young women dieted all or most of time. Some of them said they would pop a pill to give them their beautiful shape, even if it meant risking their health. Worldwide, 70 million people have an eating disorder. Most are women, but men are increasingly affected, too.

More than half the women and two thirds of the men in Britain weigh too much. while in the United States more than one quarter of adults and about one in five children are overweight. The idea that female beauty is a very thin body could be changed, if clothing factories and magazines showed images(形象) of women of all shapes instead of selecting skeletal-like models and stick-thin actress.

But that is easier said than done.

To get the message across, Orbach is also considering talking to pop stars such as Victoria Beckham and Geri Halliwell, both of whom have admitted__________________.

1. What’s the best title of the passage?


2. Which sentence in the passage is the closest in meaning to the following one?

Lots of women has chosen constant dieting as part of their life despite the fact that constant dieting leads to the lost weight being regained.


3. Please fill in the blank in the passage with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (within ten words)


4. Are you in favor of dieting? And why? (within 30 words)


5. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.








2.参考词汇:开博客 open one's blog。

Nowadays, it is a common phenomenon that more and more high school students open their own blogs On the Internet._________________________________________







71.__________(尽管雨下得很大), they didn't cancel the football match. (as)

72. In London the huge clock____________(被称为)" Big Ben" is a major tourist attraction.    (refer)

73.___________(在国外长大) ,he couldn't speak Chinese well. (bring)

74. Jenny sat motionless ,listening to the teacher with_______(心不在焉). (wander)

75. He was upset about the constant noise,___________(不能将注意力集中在工作上).    (unable, centre)

76. Jack_________(和他的父亲就这件事发生意见分歧),which made both of them very    unhappy. (differ)

77.___________(除了熟悉中国的历史),Ben knows a lot about Chinese geography. (apart)

78. He__________(连续三次进行了尝试), and eventually succeeded at the third attempt.     (attempt)

79. ____________(患心脏病) for many years, he takes his medicine wherever he goes. (suffer)

80. By last Friday his money __________(由于失业而用完了) unemployment. (run, consequence)



With many college graduates struggling to find jobs, one of the most important for you to understand is that you're in school all your life. In fact, your real education is just beginning.

I'd like to pass on a few lessons that you didn't necessarily get in school. If you've been out of school for a few years or a lot of years, they could still teach you something.

· Develop relationships and keep networking, if I had to name a single characteristic shared by all the truly successful people I've met, I'd say it is the ability to create and nurture (培育) networks of contacts. Start strengthening your relationships now, so that they'll be in place when you really need them later. In the classroom it was mostly about individual performance. Success in real life requires relationships.

· Set goals. Ask any winner what the key to his or her success was, and you'll hear four consistent messages: vision, determination, persistence, and setting goals. If you don't set goals and determine where you're going, how will you know when you get there? Goals give you more than a reason to get up in the morning; they are an incentive (激励)to keep you going all day.

· Sense of humor. I'm a firm believer in using humor, though not necessarily jokes. A good sense of humor helps one understand the unconventional(非传统的), tolerate the unpleasant, and overcome the unexpected. There are plenty of times to be serious, but I believe that keeping things light and comfortable encourages better teamwork.

· Volunteer. It might be hard to do a lot of volunteer work at first, but people who help others on a regular basis have a healthier outlook on life.

67. By saying "your real education is just beginning", the author wants to

A. explain why it's difficult for college graduates to find jobs

B. show the importance of social experience, besides schooling, in education

C. advise students to value their time at school, and to study hard

D. advise college graduates to face bravely the problems they may encounter (遭遇)

68. You should start to strengthen your relationships now because______.

A. it will take you time to develop them before you need them

B. you may have gotten used to being judged as an individual, and need to change

C. successful people have no time to develop relationships with you

D. you need to spend a lot of time learning the importance of good relationships

69. The author believes that being humorous means that you_______.

A. should prepare jokes to be used in various situations

B. can deal with difficult situations in an easy and comfortable way

C. can show your difference from others and be able to succeed

D. should smile all the time and avoid being serious on any occasion

70. The target readers of this passage are probably_______.

A. educational experts

B. people who want to change jobs

C. college graduates who have just left school

D. high school students who are still at school



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