满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

第三节完形填空(共20小题;每小题l.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后...




Not long before,my daughler,s shoes were scratched(划破)with a knife.She burst illto

tears。I took them to the shoemakel,s.

The young apprentice(学徒)glanced at the   21   and said,“Nothing I can do except

22   the upper.”

His master looked at them and said,“If you   23   me,1 will add more scratches on both the shoes.”

1 was  24  and asked why.

He explained,“As if the opening were made  25  for a special style.”

I didn’t fully understand him,  26  I deeided to leave thc shoes。

Two days later i dropped by from work to   27  the shoes.  I found more scratches on each

shoe;all the openings were patched(缝补)by soft red leather;the stitches(针脚)were twisted

with the appearance looking more  28 and interesting than ever.I couldn,t help praising the

master,s   29 .

Another time,my sister,s blouse was torn,leaving a large opening.My wife checked it

30  and then said,“Let me take it home and  31  it.”

Three days later,seeing it again,1 was greatly 32 :all the tom parts took on a look of

ice crystal(水晶);attached to it was a snowman made of flowery rags.I sighed with  33.

“It,s amazing!”

“1 was  34  by that shoemaker.Patches are supposed to be  35 .but a skilJful  craftsman(工匠)can make it take on a kind of  36 ,”replied my wife.

Her words inspired me more:perfection is impossible to achieve in   37   ;patches appear

in the  38   of injury,disability or disease.Since you c an,t change the existence of wound.you

should not 39  people,s sympathy by disclosing the wound,which is meaningless.Just sew the

40  by patches and produce a most beautifld flower on it,and that is the significance of life.

21.A.scar        B.opening           C.hole         D.mark

22. A.replace      B.remove       C.throw       D.tear

23. A.tell         B.show         C.agree      D.trust

24. A.delighted    B.confused     C.excited     D.astonistled

25.A.on purpose      B.by chance    C.in particular     D.in turn

26.A.so         B.and       C.as      D.but

27.A.bring      B.collect    C.see D.retum

28.A.ugly       B.strange     C.1ovely         D.familiar

29.A.skill    B.drill         C.performance       D.techniaue

30. A.anxiously    B.suddenly    C.carefully       D.delightly

31.A.wash    B.iron      C.save          D.mend

32.A.puzzled        B.disappointed    C. surprised D.touched

33.A.anger        B.regret    C.praise D.care

34.A.encouraged    B.inspired    C.moved      D.attracted

35.A.common       B.beautiful     C.ugly      D.rare

36.A.difference     B.perfection    C.newness    D.change

37.A.future        B.mind       C.1ife           D.place

38. A.form         B.name          C.shape           D.need

39.A.treat     B.accept     C.ignore      D.expect

40.A.wound     B.pain       C.injury      D.disability


21.B  22.A  23.D  24.B   25.A  26.D  27.B  28.C  29.A  30.C 31.D  32.C  33.C  34.B    35.C  36.B   37.C  38.A  39.D  40.A  【解析】略

-I give up.It’s too hard.

-Really? I______you could make it through.



C.have thought

D.am thinking



The bell rang and every student had to_________their examination papers.

A.give up

B.give away

C.give out

D.give in



_____60 miles a day,you need your mountain bike in a very good state.



C.To cover

D.Having covered



-Did you attend Mary and Tom’s wedding ceremony?

-Yes,but as you know,they________each other no more than 3 months.


B.had known

C.have known

D.have been knowr



_____I like the color of the hat,I don,t like its shape.







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