满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

All passengers ______, please fasten you...

All passengers ______, please fasten your seat belts and remain seated ______ the plane is landing.

A.on board; before

B.abroad; since

C.on the board; after

D.aboard; when


D 【解析】略

Unfortunately, it was in Yushu County, ______ a 7.1-magnitude earthquake happened on April 14, 2010, ______ a large number of students were buried inside damaged schools.

A.which; when

B.that; that

C.where; that

D.where; which



 ______ World Exposition in 2010 is the first registered World Exposition in ______ developing country.

A./; a

B.The; a

C.The; /

D./; the
















短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)





注意: 1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词。


January 9th 2010                  Monday                           Fine

It snowed last night. This morning the road was covered with snow. There was still a lot of bikes coming and going busily.

Suddenly I saw a woman fell off her bike. The woman lay on the ground and couldn’t get up. I ran up to her and tried help her get up. She sat up but still couldn’t stand up because she right leg was broken. In that moment, a policeman came over. When he saw this he called the taxi. The taxi driver drove the lady to the near hospital. I went with her to the hospital. There I telephoned the woman’s husband and said him the whole story. Seen the lady was well looked after. I said goodbye to her. Before I left, the lady thanked for me again and again. I felt as if I had grown up.





A woman came out of her house and saw three old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She thought they were hungry and invited them in to have something to eat.

They refused because her husband was out.

  71 “Go to tell them I am home and invite them in!” The woman went out and invited them in. “We do not go into a House together,” they replied. “Why is that?” she wanted to know.

One of the old men explained: “His name is Wealth,” he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, “He is Success, and I am Love.” Then he added, “Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home.”

The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. He said “  72  Let him come and fill in our home with wealth!”

His wife disagreed. “My dear, why don’t we invite Success?” Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: “Would it not be better to invite Love?   73 ”

The woman went out and asked the three old men, “Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest.”

Love got up and started walking toward the house.  74  Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: “I only invited Love. Why are you coming in?”

The old men replied together: “If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would’ve stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever he goes, we go with him.  75 ”

A.The other two also got up and followed him.

B.Our home will then be filled with love!

C.In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.

D.They were very happy to be invited.

E.         Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!

F.         He loved money badly.

G.        Let us invite Wealth.



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