满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



Recently, I stopped by a convenience store to get a newspaper and a bottle of drink. The young woman at the check-out counter (柜台) said, “That’ll be five dollars __36__, please.” She then __37__ down at the paper I was __38__ and said, “I’m sick and __39__ all this negative(消极的) stuff on the front __40__. I want to read some __41__ news for a change.” She then said, “In fact, I think someone should just __42__ a Good News newspaper—a paper with wonderful, inspirational(鼓舞人心的) __43__ about people overcoming difficulty and doing good things for __44__. I’d buy one every day!” She then __45__ me for coming in and said, “Maybe we’ll get some good news,” and she laughed. She made my day.

The following day after my business appointments, I __46__ the same store again to __47__ bottled water and a piece of newspaper, but a __48__ young lady was behind the counter. As I checked out, I said, “Good afternoon,” and handed her my __49__. She said nothing — not a word, not a smile or not a gesture. She just handed me my change and __50__ a negative tone (语气) ordered, “Next!”

It hit me right between the eyes: Two people, the same age; __51__ made me feel great, and the other, well, made me feel that I had inconvenienced(给…带来不便) her by __52__.

Every morning, you should ask __53__ this important question: “Who do I want to be today? ‘The Grouch(不高兴的人)’ or ‘The Good News Girl’”? Your answer will do great good to __54__ the joy and happiness that you will experience in your __55__.

36. A. at all                        B. in all                         C. after all                  D. all for  

37. A. stared                        B. smelled                     C. looked                   D. noticed  

38. A. burying                     B. picking                     C. finding                   D. buying 

39. A. tired of                      B. interested in               C. concerned about      D. fond of 

40. A. column                      B. edition                      C. page                      D. part  

41. A. bad                           B. good                         C. latest                      D. ugly 

42. A. collect                       B. print                         C. sell                        D. publish 

43. A. stories                       B. ideas                         C. positions                D. customers  

44. A. rewards                     B. the others                  C. others                    D. money  

45. A. praised                      B. thanked                     C. observed                D. punished  

46. A. stood by                    B. took in                      C. put out                   D. stopped by  

47. A. pick up                      B. take up                      C. bring up                 D. go up 

48. A. beautiful                    B. active                        C. different                 D. stupid  

49. A. card                          B. money                      C. dollar                     D. change  

50. A. on                             B. for                            C. through                  D. in 

51. A. one                           B. who                          C. what                      D. it  

52. A. taking off                  B. going away                C. showing up             D.coming about  

53. A. her                            B. them                         C. yourself                 D. themselves

54. A. warning                     B. determining               C. enjoying                 D. damaging 

55. A. home                         B. work                         C. study                     D. life 


36 – 40 BCDAC   41– 45 BDACB   46 –50 DACBD     51– 55 ACCBD 【解析】略

 He sighed again and the failure in physics seemed to have completely ______ his confidence.







— How is the result, doctor?

— Well, your health is ______ good, but you do have a few minor problems.







 Tourism is important ______ Oxford and Grenoble, and they are both close ______ some of the most beautiful countryside in the region.

A.for; with

B.of; by

C.in; at

D.to; to



— ______?

— In a nutshell, the movie was incredibly dull and only the starring role Johnny Depp attracted me a lot.

A.Do you like the movie “Alice in Wonderland

B.How do you find the movie “Alice in Wonderland

C.Who starred the movie “Alice in Wonderland

D.What does the movie “Alice in Wonderland” tell of



The advertisement says the vacuum cleaner (吸尘器) can ______ everything from the floor. Do you believe it?

A.pick up

B.take up

C.make up

D.put up



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