满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

They didn’t have any sweater in my size,...

They didn’t have any sweater in my size, and _____ I’d already decided I’d rather save the money.

   A. somehow          B. somewhat         C. however           D. anyway 


D 【解析】略

— Did Alice enjoy the concert held in Grand Theater yesterday?

   — Yes, she did. She _____ such an excellent concert for a long time.

A. didn’t take part in                  B. wouldn’t take part in

C. hasn’t been in                     D. hadn’t been in 



— Although she sometimes loses her temper, her students like her no less.

   — That’s it. _____ , she is really a good teacher.

A. At all           B. In all          C. Above all          D. After all 



— I was wondering if you could lend me some more money?

   — Sorry, I’ve got _____ at hand myself. You know the MP4 player cost me all I had just now.

A. neither         B. nothing         C. none             D. few   



 — Any advice about this trip?

— Well, no food is available on _____ island so make sure you bring _____ packed lunch and drink, as well as your camera and sunblock.

A. an, the          B. the; a           C. the; /             D. an; a 





76. The cruel man shot his wife and __________(埋葬)the dead body in the backyard.

77. There are still quantities of stars we haven’t known in the __________(宇宙).

78. It’s no good using __________(暴力)to solve the problem. We’d better take effective measures.

79. With the ____________(发展)of science and technology, people’s life is becoming more and more convenient.

80. The test measures students’ ____________(成绩,成就)in reading, spelling and writing.

81. Tom and I chat on the Internet very often, but only see each other very o__________.

82. Harbin No. 3 Middle School was f_________ in the year 1923.

83. Recently many earthquakes have s_________ some places in Asia and South America.

84. Lots of poor elder people in the mountains live in p_________.

85. A third of the worst accidents o_________ in the home last year, and the rest happened on the roads.



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