满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The position, however, _____ you are app...

The position, however, _____ you are applying, is not quite a well-paid one.

   A. that               B. which             C. for which           D. to which


C 【解析】略

— Have you called Mr. Johnson’s office?

   — Yes, he _____ back before tomorrow. So he can attend our meeting on time.

A. expected           B. is expected         C. is expecting         D. is to expect  



 —Is there anything else I can get for you except the book?

   — No. That _____ be it. Thanks a lot.

A. could              B. must             C. should            D. might



 If you are unable to attend the interview, for _____ reason, you should inform us immediately.

   A. whatever           B. what             C. whichever         D. which   



They didn’t have any sweater in my size, and _____ I’d already decided I’d rather save the money.

   A. somehow          B. somewhat         C. however           D. anyway 



— Did Alice enjoy the concert held in Grand Theater yesterday?

   — Yes, she did. She _____ such an excellent concert for a long time.

A. didn’t take part in                  B. wouldn’t take part in

C. hasn’t been in                     D. hadn’t been in 



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