满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Almost all cultures celebrate the end of...

Almost all cultures celebrate the end of one year and the beginning of another in some way. Different cultures celebrate the beginning of a new year in different ways, and at different times on the calendar.

In western countries, people usually celebrate New Year at midnight on January 1st. People may go to parties, dress in formal clothes—like tuxedos(小礼服)and evening gowns, and drink champagne at midnight. During the first minutes of the New Year, people cheer and wish each other happiness for the year ahead. But some cultures prefer to celebrate the New Year by waking up early to watch the sun rise. They welcome the New Year with the first light of the sunrise.

It is also a common Western custom to make a New Year’s promise, called a resolution. New Year’s resolutions usually include promises to try something new or change a bad habit in the new year.

Many cultures also do special things to get rid of bad luck at the beginning of a new year. For example, in Ecuador, families make a big doll from old clothes. The doll is filled with old newspapers and firecrackers. At midnight, these dolls are burned to show the bad things from the past year are gone and the new year can start afresh (again). Other common traditions to keep away bad luck in a new year include throwing things into rivers or the ocean, or saying special things on                the first day of the new year.

Other New Year traditions are followed to bring good luck is to eat grapes on New Year’s Day. The more grapes a person eats, the more good luck the person will have in the year. In France, people eat pancakes for good luck at New Year. In the United States, some people eat black– eyed peas(豇豆)for good luck——but to get good luck for a whole year you have to eat 365 of them!

1.Which culture celebrates New Year in the morning?

A. The United States.                       B. Spain.

C. France.                                D. The passage doesn’t say.

2.According to the third paragraph, what is a resolution?

A. Something you burn.                    B. Something you eat.

C. Something you say.                      D. Something you wear.

3.What is the topic of the fourth paragraph?

A. Bringing good luck.                             B. Keeping away bad luck.

C. Planning for the next year.                     D. Remembering the past.

4.Which is probably true about eating black – eyed peas on New Year?

A. Black-eyed peas taste bad.               B. The peas are very difficult to cook.

C. One pea brings one day of luck.              D. It is bad luck to eat a lot of black-eyed peas.


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 【解析】略

My parents operated a small restaurant in Seattle.It was open twenty-four hours a day, six days a week.And my first real job,when I was six years old,was  36  the diners’ shoes.My father had done it when he was young,so he taught me  37 to do it efficiently,telling me to  38  to re-shine the shoes if the customer wasn’t  39  .

Working in the restaurant was a cause of great  40  because I was also working for the good of the family.But my father  41  that I had to meet certain standards to be part of the team.I  42_  to be punctual(守时的),hard-working,and polite to the  43  .

       I was  44  paid for the work I did at the restaurant.One day I made the mistake of advising Dad that he  45  give me $10 a week.He said,“OK.How about you paying me for three meals a day you have here? And  46  the times you bring in your friends for free soft drinks?” He  47  I owed him about $40 a week.

       I remember returning to Seattle after being  48  in the US Army for about two years.I had just been promoted to Captain at that time.And full of pride,I walked into my parents’ restaurant,but the  49  thing Dad said was,“How about your  50  up tonight?” I couldn’t  51  my ears! I am an officer in the Army! But it didn’t   52  as far as Dad was concerned,I was just  53_   member of the team.I reached for the mop(拖把).Working for Dad has taught me the devotion to a     _54  is above all.It has nothing to do with  55  that team is involved in a family restaurant or the US Army.

1.A.cleaning     B.shining         C.removing      D.keeping

2.A.why          B.what            C.when           D.how

3.A.offer         B.refuse           C.love            D.learn

4.A.interested      B.annoyed      C.relaxed          D.satisfied

5.A.fun           B.pride         C.trouble         D.effort

6.A.got it right    B.kept it a rule    C.made it clear  D.took it for granted

7.A.had               B.tended          C.hated           D.managed

8.A.family         B.workers         C.customers        D.friends

9.A.never         B.always          C.seldom          D.ever

10.A.must        B.should          C.might           D.could

11.A.at           B.before          C.around          D.for

12.A.worked out  B.found out       C.put out         D.thought out

13.A.alone       B.away           C.outside         D.off

14.A.usual       B.last            C.next          D.first

15.A.washing     B.taking           C.cleaning        D.moving

16.A.ignore      B.follow          C.believe         D.understand

17.A.happen      B.care           C.go             D.matter

18.A.no          B.other           C.some         D.another

19.A.team        B.family          C.leader           D.restaurant

20.A.why         B.whether         C.when         D.how



I took it _____ that he would be glad to accept my invitation, but he didn’t at all.

A. for sure           B. for certain            C. for granted           D. for example



The lady in red immediately became the _____ of attention when she entered the hall.

A. combination       B. account         C. confusion         D. focus



 I finally got my ideal job. I _____ so delighted in all my life.

A. haven’t felt          B. didn’t feel       C. hadn’t felt         D. don’t feel



So many brand marks _____each other that we had great difficulty finding the one he referred to.

A. resembled to         B. differed from         C. differed               D. resembled



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