满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Why should you learn Sign Language? Do y...

Why should you learn Sign Language? Do you want to improve your communication with a family member or friend who is deaf? Do you want to be able to communicate with deaf people in general? Would you like to advance in your career by being able to communicate in ASL? Do you want to be a Sign Language interpreter?

Sign language is not just a random (随意的) collection of gestures but a full-blown (完全成熟的) language in its own right, complete with its own grammatical rules. Each country or region has its own sign language, as different from each other as English is from Spanish. Each version of sign language is somewhat linked to the spoken language in its region. For example, American sign language does share similarities with English, even though it is its own language.

The advantages of knowing sign language in addition to a spoken language are many. Communication becomes possible on many levels with the deaf community, with other people either hearing or not in any of the above situations, as well as many more.

While other languages take years to learn, American Sign Language can be taught in a much shorter time period. It is one of the easiest languages to learn because most of the signs were developed to mimic the actual word or phrase it is representing. Even the alphabet signs look like the letters of the English alphabet.

American Sign Language, or ASL, is the third most used language in the United States. Used by the deaf community, interpreters, and friends and family of the deaf. There are a lot of sites on the internet that not only shows you the sign with video, but will help you practice reading signs as well.

Teaching even hearing babies sign language seems to be the fashion in recent years and for good reason. Communicating in sign language is fun and natural as babies naturally use body gestures in early communication. Teaching baby sign language actually appears to enhance the learning of verbal skills and brain development of the children involved.

1.Which two regions share similarities in their sign language?

A. Spain and Britain.

B. Mexico and USA.

C. Australia and Canada.

D. Japan and Korea.

2.Sign language ________.

A.is a collection of gestures

B.is easier to learn than English

C.is not very popular in USA

D.has no link to the spoken language

3.One of the reasons for learning sign language is that it ________.

A.increase self-confidence

B.provides more choices of career

C.trains brains

D.is interesting

4.Babies’ learning sign language cannot ________.

A.help them talk sooner

B.help them walk sooner

C.increase communication at a very early age

D.enrich relationship with parents and the people who take care of them

5.Which of the following topics is not discussed in the passage?

A.What is sign language?

B.The advantages of knowing sign language.

C.The relation of American sign language and English.

D.Ways of learning sign language.


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.D 【解析】略

语法填空 (共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

Once upon a time industrial goods were made to last forever. If you bought a car or a stove, it was a once-in-a-lifetime investment. You    51   (pay) good money for it, and you took good care of it. At the present time,    52  , industry has suggested that products shouldn’t last a long time. It’s cheaper to throw them away than    53   (repair) them. This has created a “throw-away society” which is

   54   waste of the earth’s resources. Just think of those pretty new second-hand cars that are sold daily. The owners get rid of them just    55   they are out of date. Think of the expensive packaging material that    56   (throw) away each time a new item is bought. And we have to pay for that material! This waste has got us into the trouble we are    57   now. When we have no resources

  58   (leave), we’ll then start to take care of    59   we have. But why can’t we act before this happens? Why can’t we go back to the society

   60   the prevention of waste is a virtue?



完形填空 (共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)

Before the 29th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the United States. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.

Today the car is the most popular sort of transportation in all of the United States. It has completely    41   the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their cars for nearly 90 percent of all personal    42  .

Most Americans are able to buy cars. The average price of a    43   made car was $ 2,500 in 1950, $ 2,740 in 1960 and up to $ 4,750 in 1975. During this period American car manufacturers set about    44   their products. As a result, the yearly income of the average family increased from 1950 to 1975   45   than the price of cars. For this reason purchasing a new car takes a smaller    46   of a family’s total earnings today.

In 1951 proportionally it took 8.1 months of an average family’s    47   to buy a new car. By 1975 it only took 4.75    48    income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically superior to models from previous years.

The    49   of the automobile extends throughout the economy as the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money    50   their cars running than on any other item.

41. A. denied        B. reproduced           C. replaced                  D. repeated

42. A. trip             B. works                 C. business                  D. travel

43. A. quickly        B. regularly                C. rapidly                      D. recently

44. A. raising        B. making                   C. reducing                  D. improving

45. A. slower        B. equal                     C. faster                     D. less

46. A. part             B. half                       C. number                  D. side

47. A. income        B. work                      C. plan                       D. debts

48. A. months’             B. dollar’s                  C. family                 D. year

49. A. running             B. notice                 C. influence                D. discussion

50. A. starting        B. leaving                   C. keeping                  D. repairing



How long ______ teaching? Forty years.

A.he will have been

B.will have he been

C.will have been he

D.will he have been



An operation is usually performed by a ______.







He is the manager of the factory. He is ______ it.

A.charged with

B.in charge of


D.in the charge of



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